A number of postings have discussed obtaining a letter of recovery after testing positive for Covid while on vacation. My husband and I both recently had Covid at home. We have copies of our positive results from a pharmacy test as well as letters from our physicians confirming that we have completely recovered and are cleared to travel. Since the Dx of Covid as well as the recovery letters will be well within 90 days of our return flight, I'm understanding from the CDC website that we will not need to test to fly back from Italy to the USA. We will only need to present these documents (Unless however, we became ill again, in which case we would test to ensure we weren't positive). This is also what ITA airlines cites on its website. Can anyone confirm that my understanding of this is correct.
I am not an authority, but what you have explained is my understanding as well.
Here is the link to the official order
I agree with your understanding, as well as Carol’s. However, it’s your airline that has the final say, so read their COVID information page carefully. We flew United after i tested positive for the return flight, and followed their, and the CDC’s guidelines, and there was no problem. Everything gets uploaded in advance to their Travel Ready center, in the case of United, and they have a check-in line for Travel Ready passengers. We breezed through without showing any additional documentation, other than passports and boarding passes. You should just have to upload your positive results, then your letter of recovery, and be good to go.
Thank you both!