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Crazy for Salzburg Salz

When my sister and I were in Salzburg this past Sept., we stopped in the Salzburg Salz shop and fell in love with their ginger candy, among other products.

We’ve been craving the candy ever since we returned home. We contacted the store owner, Carina, and she is able to ship to the U.S. For a fee of course. 😊 I was a little nervous because she requested a bank transfer instead of a credit card. But, I remembered Emily saying that bank transfers are common in Austria (Thanks Emily!!), so I went ahead with the purchase. We should know in 2-3 weeks if it’s successful or not as hopefully our candies will arrive.

Anyone planning on visiting Salzburg should definitely stop in. Their garlic salt is really good too. We may have ordered some more of that as well. 😊

If anyone is interested in reading about our trip, our trip report can be found here

And this is becoming a problem for us. When we were in Switzerland last year, we fell in love with the Zweifel Paprika Potato Chips and later found a company that will ship the chips to the U.S. I told my sister when we go to Italy next year, we are not allowed to try any new snack foods. 😊

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17603 posts

Their website is fascinating. It is only available in German, English, and Japanese. And to see their products, one must use the German erosion, as the English one “under construction”. ( Maybe Japanese works too but z I can’t tell).

The products include not just salt for culinary purposes, but serving platters and candleholders made of saltstone. Here are the Salzstein serving platters (I assume they are not used as cutting boards but did not read through the German yet.

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3399 posts

Swiss life, we are a little obsessed. When we go to Italy in march, we have 2 nights in Lugano so we can stock up on our Swiss favorites—chocolate and chips. 😊 And the chips do surprisingly well in transit.

Lola, I thought I was looking at the English version, but I guess my computer was translating for me. I don’t even see the candy on the website. It was on a shelf near the entrance when we were there.

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2069 posts

Try traveling all of Europe then coming back. Spain was the hardest as they had great Cava for 4euros in their supermarket and in my supermarket it's $11 for the cheapest.

For Christmas I get UK chocolate boxes and German Lebkuchen and Stollen online.

Can't wait until I go to Germany so I can buy all the RitterSport flavors to bring home.

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5557 posts

Heather - come to Austria and try our Zotter chocolate…

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3399 posts

UPDATE: The candy arrived today!!!! 😊

It was shipped on Dec. 12th. So, it took 3 weeks to arrive. It's such a nice reminder of our time in Salzburg.

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2347 posts

@ Heather - What online site has the best Lebkuchen? Thanks!

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1422 posts

Fürstin Gloria von Thurn und Taxis (Regensburg, DE):
"Die besten Lebkuchen der Welt kommen zunächst nicht aus Nürnberg, wie viele glauben wollen. Die besten Lebkuchen der Welt macht meiner Meinung nach die »Konditorei Rosner« in dem kleinen Ort Waldsassen an der Bayerisch-Tschechischen Grenze."

Looks like they are done for this season. Maybe next year? I add this as they are not too far from me.