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What to wear to Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra concert?

My wife and I want to attend a performance of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra (a.k.a. Berliner Philharmoniker) on a Thursday night in May. I would like to dress as casually as would be appropriate, but do not want to appear rude or out-of-place. Has anyone attended such a concert in Berlin or other german cities? What kind of attire would be appropriate for a man? I am hoping that jeans and a sweater or long-sleeved shirt might be okay. My wife has a dress that I'm sure will be fine.

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2829 posts

Jeans are not okay, as far as I remember. You don't need a full black-tie attire, but at least something a bit more formal than jeans and casual sweaters is warranted. Business-casual might do the job. You don't need ties.

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9429 posts

This thread in the General Europe section might be helpful to you:

They're talking about the opera in that thread but I think it's good advice for the symphony as well.

**I tried to make it a hyper-link but couldn't... : /

Edit: trying again (on 1/7) to make the link...

Yay, it worked today. Did exact same thing last night but it didn't work.

Thanks Nigel!!

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449 posts

I copied and pasted this URL and got a message saying that it was no longer available. Was anyone successful in linking. I have a similar situation in London.

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42 posts

The linked thread was very helpful - thank you!

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5636 posts

When I went to see the Berlin Philharmonic, I just wore black slacks and a blouse with a cardigan. I did not feel out of place. There were some people who were very well-dressed and others in more casual attire. I can't remember if I saw anyone in jeans, but I'm sure there were some people there in jeans. My seats were fairly high up ... not the cheapest, but not in a place where anyone was looking at me. I might have felt different if I were seated in the expensive seats.