We are booked on our first Viking cruise this fall. One of our port stops will be Kusadasi to visit the site of Ephesus. We plan on taking the included excursion which just gives a tour of Ephesus. I would appreciate it if anyone who has been on this excursion with Viking could answer this question: Once the tour guide is finished, can we stay longer at the site of Ephesus? Is there a Viking bus that will be at the exit later that we can get on? Or do we have to get on the bus right away with the tour guide and group that we toured with and head to the compulsory rug demo? (No comments on that are necessary, thanks!) We'd like to spend more time at Ephesus if possible. If no Viking bus will be there later, are there taxis that wait by the exit that we can take back to the port? Yes, I know we have to be back before the ship leaves!
I've been on Cruise Critic, and I find the website cumbersome. I haven't yet found the answer to my question. I have also called Viking directly, and the customer service agent just told me to ask guest services when we board the ship. I'm hoping someone on this forum can help so that I have a good idea of the answer ahead of time.
Thank you!