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Turkish ideas

We will be traveling thru and are looking for input in terms of the Antalya to Fethye area. We are planning 2 nights in Antalya ..then after that we have 4/5 days until we visit Pamukkale and Selcuk. We have read great things about Gelemis and Patara as well as Kas and Fethye......just unsure the best place to anchor ourselves. Any input would help. Any input on Alcati???

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The first thing that comes to mind is a gulet cruise out of Fetiye (or maybe Kas?). I did a four night gulet cruise that from Gocek to Fetiye and enjoyed it immensely. One day we hiked to a farmhouse and Lydean ruins at the top of a mountain. The next day we went to Dalaman to see the Lycean rock cut tombs, and the third day we hiked St. Nicholas Island in the morning and visited Kayakoy in the afternoon. My only caution would be to make sure that you don't wind up on a boat full of young party kids. Some folks take gulets to explore nature and history; others take gulets to party. Nowadays, I think that most gulet cruises try to segregate the nature/history/culture cruises from the party cruises. You will need to shop around to make sure you wind up with the kind of cruise you want.

I have heard wonderful things about Patara, but I have never been there.

Antalya was a little too modern for my taste on my first visit, but I learned to love it on subsequent visits. Antalya can serve as a base for all sorts of exploration. There are a lot of Roman ruins and such in the general vicinity, if you are interested in that sort of thing. Perge and the Antalya Archaeological Museum are both close to the city. Aspendos, with its beautifully preserved Roman theater, is a bit farther out. Termessos, which may be my favorite of all, is up in the mountains, and is marvelously untouched. I haven't visited Phaselis yet, but I hear good things about it. I am definitely planning to visit Sagalassos on my next visit.