Has anyone tried the Turkish baths/Hammans in Istanbul? If so, would you recommend it? Which one in particular is good? We are staying in Sultanahmet Neighbourhood. Thanks.
Many suggestions in the forum, here are two search examples
I went to Hurrem Sultan Hammami - expensive but an opulent experience. Right next to the Hagia Sophia.
I went to Cagloglu and had a fabulous experience. https://cagalogluhamami.com.tr/en/
I have also heard good things about Hurrem Sultan.
Both are pricey, but worth every penny. You will need to make a reservation.
Excellent. Thank you CL for the links to the suggestions. I did scroll through the posts on this forum but didn't see any previous posts on this topic.
Thank you to all who responded with info. So appreciated.
I've never done one, but my husband enjoyed one of the hamams in Sutanahmet listed above. He came out smelling like a flower and smiled beatifically for about an hour without speaking. . .
I also tried the Turkish bath while I was in Istanbul. My body relaxed at the end of the Turkish bath, which lasted about an hour. I recommend it
Wow, sounds fantastic. Plan to try it. Thank you for the replies.
I went to Caglogu 20 years ago and it was fabulous. Can't wait to go again when I return in October.