The government of Turkei has dropped all Covid entry requirements as of June 1. This included all proof of vaccination, Covid tests, and the Health entry form.
For Americans only a valid passport and visa are required. The visa can be obtained on-line for US$50
from the official Turkish government website Any other website is not the government site, and they will charge you more.
I sure am glad I sneaked in before the change because that Health Entry Form was a lot of fun to fill out. Not. Especially the second time when I had entered one of our 8 tour hotels incorrectly and had to do it all again because you can't edit the form.
I'm so glad future RS Best of Turkey tour members will get to skip this step!
Trying to complete the form reminded me of the story of someone placed in a round room and told to go sit in a corner of the room.
That sounds about right, Kenko! 🤣🤣
This is good news. We arrive in Turkey in less than a week to join the RS tour. Can you provide a link or news release that shows this change, I have been unable to find it. All sites still list the requirement of filling out this form ahead of arrival. Thank you!
You may be right, Denise. As of June 13, 2022 The Turkish Embassy is still listing the requirement for the Ministry of Health Entry form.
I saw the US embassy website update from June 13 still lists the Heallth entry form as officially being required. However, at IST airport in Istanbul on May 27 the Immigration officials were only interested in seeing a paper copy of my E-Visa
( Be sure to bring a paper copy with you) The same for friends I’m traveling with. They did not ask for any Proof of vaccination, or proof of health insurance. It seems that they were overwhelmed with all the official documentation requirements and wanted Covid to be over with, as with most countries.
No one is wearing masks on the trains or buses either.
Kenko, my immigration experience was similar to yours. They did not ask to see the heath form. They did ask to see my eVISA, for which I showed a printed copy.
The health form is submitted online, so I suppose they have it if they want it.
And I submitted it online to my airline, United, but that may not have been necessary.