The article has a paywall, but today's NY Times has a consumer complaint about losing $17,000 on an Antarctic cruise, because the major airline incorrectly said she lacked two travel documents [that were in fact not needed].
Here are some quotes from the article:
You booked a multi-leg, international flight that was to arrive less than 24 hours before your very expensive trip was to begin, a risky plan. ...
I asked Trip Mxxx to explain why your claim had been denied. ... “While we empathize and understand that the insured’s travel was negatively impacted,” he wrote, “the plan does not cover errors made in determining travel documentation.”
I [Times author] begged to differ, noting that your policy covers trip delays caused by common carriers “including, but not limited to, scheduled departure and return times and actual departure and return times.” That “not limited to” implies to me that events like being involuntarily bumped from a flight or, say, being told mistakenly by a rookie agent in Nashville that you can’t board a flight to Chile, also qualify as potential “hazards.”
I told this to Trip Mxxx, and they seemed to blink, if just slightly. “With any claim that is submitted,” Mr. Jxxxx wrote back, “we look at the situation holistically to see where we can apply benefits within the limits of the specific policy.” The policy does limit reimbursement for “trip delays” to $3,000, though.
[end of quote]
This looks like a rare case where the tour company's own insurance product, which often allows 24-hour future-travel-credit cancellation, might have paid off. But buying a provider's own plan is often discouraged because it's likely to fail in the event of the provider's bankruptcy. And the incident was perilously close to the 24-hour window.
Edit: Turns out this has already been posted, with a "gift" (free) link to the article