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Posted by
7203 posts

I love this. I guess now we're really a member of the global community and not as isolated and superior as some would prefer to believe.

Posted by
8378 posts

There ought to be an advisory in reverse for aggressive Turkish rug salesmen.

Posted by
4183 posts

This isn't that unusual. Just Google travel advisories for visiting us and you'll find lots of reading material there. You may find some of it funny or ridiculous, but the warnings are instructive for pointing out cultural differences.

Posted by
7055 posts

I don't think this is unusual and, while it has a Trump slant, it has more to do just with protests in general. Many (if not most) governments warns their citizens about staying away from large protests of any kind when they're traveling abroad. There have been specific advisories about traveling in the US for some time. Do you remember when a number of German tourists were killed in southern Florida in the early '90s after their rental cars were rammed from behind?

Now that there's been another bombing in Istanbul, there will be more language added to the US advisory against traveling to Turkey. The constant violence and uncertainty about (potential future) harm is truly depressing.

Posted by
21772 posts

So far in December there are 19 murders in Chicago and I bet there will be 2 more before this day is over. All of them in one of 7 neighborhoods (5 zip codes), none of which are "tourist centers". All the victims were residents, all were of a well defined socioeconomic group. Statistically the vast majority were murdered by someone they know - not strangers, and the crimes were related to criminal activity. Not becoming part of that statistic group is easy; don't participate in criminal acts, don't associate with those that do and don't go to high crime neighborhoods that serve no interest to tourism.

On the other hand the blast in Turkey today injured and killed complete strangers in an area adjacent to Taksim Square which is a place where one might find tourists. So how to increase your odds of safety in Istanbul? Stay away from tourist centers and mass gatherings and any police presence (as the police seem to be the main targets).

I do live a blessed life and I have to remember that those that feel safer in Istanbul than their US community have different life experience than I do. The crime statistics in the major US city community where I live and work are a fraction of the statistics for any major city in Europe. So I am always safer at home.

Posted by
5511 posts

"There is a general threat from terrorism. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreigners. You should monitor media reports and remain vigilant at all times."

Turkey? No - it is the Foreign travel advice to the USA issued by the UK government. Of course it is not really of much direct help.

Posted by
3302 posts

Marco---are you saying the U.K. Government has issued a travel advisory warning for travel to the US?

Posted by
7209 posts

You've got to take these travel advisories with a grain of salt and an ounce of common sense. There are LEGIONS of people who are paid to "keep us safe" as part of their govt jobs. They HAVE to do/issue/say something or it appears they're just sitting on their beehinds doing nothing.

And to those who think it's comical that other countries issue travel advisories to the USA - to think the USA is safer than other countries is comical in itself.

Posted by
21772 posts

The best I can tell, and I have spent a lot of time looking, the US has a lower per capita tourist murder rate than a lot of Western Europe. But people don't like that answer. How is this possible? Western Europe has been dealing with mass murder terrorist strikes and the vast majority of murders in the US occur in areas foreign tourists just don't go. Still the stats in the US and in the worst of Europe range from nearly zero in 10 million tourists to almost 9 in ten million tourists. Numbers so small that its not something worth worrying about in most any location.

But folks still insist anything is safer than going to the US, so there must be a vast right wing conspiracy to hide the real truth. Or maybe they don't understand, or dont want to understand, our high murder rate is very localized. With out understanding there is no cure.

Posted by
7203 posts

"Plus I have never thought of James E as a jokester."

You're kidding, right Norma? I sometimes have a hard time believing anything James says on some posts. It can be hard to distinguish the serious from the humorous sometimes. And, you're right, some people believe everything is said and meant seriously, if not literally (a distinction we're just learning to love).

Posted by
21772 posts

Keith, I agree 100%. And you are correct, the British had a miserable time here this year. My sincere condolences. Such things are embarrassing and inexcusable. For those that haven't read what Keith is talking about, it is here: Note that these are 4 year totals and don't take into account the number of tourists so they don't reflect per capita statistics. very interesting read.

Nancy, your tolerance and open mindedness in the face of things I know must disturbe you is always evident and is sincerely appreciated. G-d Bless and Happy Travels.

Webmaster, thank you for putting up with me. Your patience is amazing and deeply appreciated.

Posted by
6 posts

My family of 5 just returned from a week in turkey! It was awesome. My three kids (14, 11, and 9), my wife,and I had the trip of a lifetime. We never once felt unsafe. We traveled to Istanbul, Ephesus, and cappadocia. We had the best guide- mert taner. ( he is a Rick steves guide). We had Lale surmen Aran (she helped Rick write the Istanbul guide book) help us organize it. Awesome! I would highly recommend turkey! Safe. Fun. Educational. Amazing!!

Posted by
6 posts

My family of 5 just returned from a week in turkey! It was awesome. My three kids (14, 11, and 9), my wife,and I had the trip of a lifetime. We never once felt unsafe. We traveled to Istanbul, Ephesus, and cappadocia. We had the best guide- mert taner. ( he is a Rick steves guide). We had Lale surmen Aran (she helped Rick write the Istanbul guide book) help us organize it. Awesome! I would highly recommend turkey! Safe. Fun. Educational. Amazing!!