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Tour guide and tour members on Best of Turkey

Hi all,

I am a first time tour member and would like to know who my tour guide is for my Best of Turkey Tour in April. Also, do we receive a tour member list before our trip begins?

At what point do we get this information?

Trying to learn the way things roll out.

Thanks for any insight.

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5929 posts

RS provides the tour guide name about a month before the tour starts when they send the hotel list. In the past, they have also provided a list with the first names of each person on the tour (but there is no contact info for tour members, so the list is really only helpful when it comes time to learn everyone’s name). You will log onto your tour account to get this info.

Hope you love the Turkey tour. It was the first RS tour I ever took.

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2786 posts

If you check your tour account here on the site there should be a date that documents will be provided. Your guide's name will be at the top of the tour roster. Fellow travelers info is minimal for privacy reasons. Just first names and town/state.

Seeing your other posts, I suspect you are hoping to see evidence of others traveling solo. I look for that, too. Names of people traveling together are usually grouped.

Posted by
91 posts

Thank you for responding. Actually I was curious to see if others from my area were traveling with me whether single, couple or group. My home is in southern coastal NH. So, no contact info, I can understand privacy issues.

Thanks again.