I see RS does an Istanbul tour book but no book covering the rest of Turkey. I do see the Lonely Planet tour books for Turkey in the RS store. Does anyone know if the tour kit contains either or both of those books?
I see RS does an Istanbul tour book but no book covering the rest of Turkey. I do see the Lonely Planet tour books for Turkey in the RS store. Does anyone know if the tour kit contains either or both of those books?
In 2019, we received the RS Istanbul book only. There is less free time on the Turkey tour than on other tours. I found that the internet and the Tripadvisor forum provided me with enough information to plan my free time, so I did not get another guide book. YMMV
The best place to get an answer about what the tour kit contains is direct from Rick's tour staff. You can contact them at [email protected] or 425-608-4217.