Page 41 of the Eight Edition of the RS "Istanbul with Ephesus and Cappadocia" guide book states you can buy advance tickets by using the website.
I will be going on the RS Istanbul tour next month, will arrive a few days early and want to see the Chora Church and Galata Tower and not spend time in line for tickets.
I went to the Muze website and there is a place to register and they want you to upload a photo of yourself. Has anyone registered and why do they want a photo?
On page 41 of the guide it also reads you can buy advance tickets for the Chora Church on Muze but I did not see any Chora Church e-ticket options on the site, plus the Chora Church website says admission is free. Has anyone visited Chora Church the past month or so and was there an admission fee?
The Muze website does sell Galata e-ticket, has anyone seen lines at the tower?
Thank you.