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Solo Travel

Is Istanbul a safe city for a solo female traveler? I am planning a September one week trip.

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8831 posts

I think you will get mostly replies that it is a safe city, but one needs to use situational and cultural awareness. I wondered this same thing myself. I still remember this story
It was years ago, probably an isolated incident, but made quite an impression at the time. I chose group travel as my primary method for Turkey. My solution was that I am traveling there by myself for a day or two prior to joining a tour of Turkey through Gate 1 travel followed by an Azamara cruise that explores the coastal areas.

I know other women on the forum have traveled there solo and felt very positive about their experiences and their safety and would not hesitate to travel there solo again.

I think everyone needs to find the situation that makes sense or is comfortable for themselves.

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7748 posts

I spent almost 3 weeks in Turkey about 15 years ago as a solo traveler, and absolutely loved it. The people in Turkey were probably the friendliest people I have ever met in my travels. They would do anything for you. I never had any problems, and I never felt unsafe.

One of these days I really want to go back and see all the places I didn’t get to. Obviously, as Carol said, your comfort level is up to you, but I can tell you that I felt very comfortable there and had an incredible time. I spent a week in Istanbul, around 4 to 5 days in Cappadocia, four days in Fethiye and then the remaining time in Selcuk, seeing Ephesus, and then heading up for a day in Izmir. It’s one of the most beautiful and diverse countries I’ve ever been to.

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776 posts

I have always felt safe on my five visits to Turkey, four of them as a solo traveler.

Situational awareness is advisable is any large European city, including Istanbul.

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5283 posts

I've taken lots of solo trips within Europe. I took my first Rick Steves tour to go to Istanbul and western Turkey two years ago.

Now that I know how easy it is, I'm going back on my own this summer. And I feel perfectly comfortable doing it, taking the same precautions I would in any big city, just dressing a bit more conservatively than my usual, which is already fairly conservative.