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Kariye Mosque/Chora Church

I put the following in another post, but perhaps folks won't see it there. I found this in the RS guidebook updates and I can't find any other source on the internet that corroborates the admission price. Anyone have any insights? I did send an email to the RS office but haven't received a response. It wouldn't matter that much except that the mosque is not as central as other sites, and I don't care to get there and find out a peek thru a doorway is $27.

"The Chora Church has reopened as both a mosque and museum following a years-long restoration effort. The central nave is now part of the functioning mosque, so it is only open to men (but visitors can view its attractions from the doorway). Admission is currently free, but is expected to be $27. Hours: Daily 9:00–19:00, except closed during prayers. Visitors must now enter the mosque grounds on the north side, from Kariye Türbesi Sokak, and walk around to the mosque-museum's entrance on the south side of the building, passing through security on the way."

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7748 posts

Jules, I'm not sure where RS got that info, but I found this info here:

I don't think you would be paying €25 to peer at the frescoes through a doorway. I believe that refers to the mosque, which will only be open to men although you can look inside through the doorway. Keep in mind that the frescoes are separate from the mosque, and is what will (may?) cost €25 in the future. But you would not be peeping through a doorway. :-)

I will say this. When I saw those frescoes back in 2007, I had walked over 5 miles to get there (not that I needed to, but still) and would have paid €25 or more to get inside. Luckily it was free then and I believe is free at this time, which may change, of course. But it was worth every step I took and would definitely be worth a large chunk of change to see. The frescoes were beautiful—probably one of the most beautiful things I've seen.

ETA: One more thing. I'm wondering if the €25 comes from the admission fee that the Hagia Sophia charges. I read something a few weeks ago that said that there is some concern that too many tourists coming in to see the frescoes will cause the same deterioration that has affected the Hagia Sophia, which is why they began charging a fee. But in the meantime, they are keeping the admission free, probably to assess things as tourists begin to come. I don't know that it would ever become as popular as the Hagia Sophia, as it is much farther out of the way and not as well known. So it may be a moot issue.

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6294 posts

Thanks, Mardee, I've read in a few places that the Byzantine mosaics are among the most beautiful if not the most beautiful in the world. I'm glad you clarified, I was truly thinking it was $27 to peep thru a door.

I think I'd walk to see, too, although I believe I read it was all uphill. Then again, it means its downhill on the way back.

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7748 posts

There were parts that were uphill but definitely not all of it. I didn't walk back the same way—instead I walked over to the ancient city walls (the Walls of Istanbul) and spent some time there exploring them, which was pretty fascinating.

I do remember some people looking a bit strangely at me as I was a lone female walking by myself. Fatih is a more conservative area than the rest of Istanbul, but I never felt uncomfortable.

ETA: I checked my journal and I only walked 5km, not 5 miles, lol!