This is going to be more difficult than I expected. First off, car rental from Turkey through Greece isn’t going to happen. Even tried a rental from Alexandhroupoli, Greece west to Athens. Not happening.
Charlene, thanks for the ferry link. That will be very helpful.
Prefer to spend at least 3 nights in a place, more for big city, so 3 weeks doesn’t go very far. Looked at some of the islands on google, Samos, Hios, Kos, Náxos, Santorini. From afar and without a deep dive into what each has to offer I feel bewildered.
One idea is going from Istanbul south to a ferry port along the Turkish coast and grab a ferry ride out to the Aegean but the time spent on a boat looking at nothing but the sea, going from port to port, for hours on end is not appealing. I served in the navy at sea for a few years. I’d rather look at the hills and trees, etc.
What would it be like to drive along the coast, either side east or west coast of Greece south to Athens?
Lastly, I can only absorb so much of museums and architectural artifacts. I will never see everything but I will appreciate the things that I do see.
One way or another, I want to fly into either Istanbul or Athens and leave from the other.
There is a lot of “but”s in this post -but- this is how I process.
Thank you all for help and patience. It is appreciated.