Just wondering if it’s safe to eat food from food vendors in Istanbul? Also, has anyone taken a yacht cruise to the island of Cantina? Would you recommend it? We will only have 15 minutes in Cantina before heading back and they said there is a guide on the yacht to tell you what you’re seeing on the shore.
I've been to Istanbul three times and the only thing I've ever eaten from a food vendor was simit. I also had a fish sandwich down at the water of the Bosporous.
I have never been sick from any food at hotels and restaurants.
Just wondering if it’s safe to eat food from food vendors in Istanbul?
I ate fish sandwiches from dockside vendors 4 or 5 times with no issues.
I suspect that I may have had (minor) troubles with mussels from one food stand. On a visit 2 years later, our food tour guide commented that he was taking us to a very specific mussel stand, where "he knew we wouldn't have trouble." So perhaps he knew that not all mussel stands are run equally well?
My troubles were easily solved with over the counter Immodium.
I ate a lot of street food on a food tour and had no adverse reactions, but I do have a pretty hearty stomach. If you don't, follow the general guideline of avoiding drinks with ice and opting for well cooked foods instead of raw. Go with your gut (literally) if something looks a bit off then skip it. And bring some over the counter meds to address stomach and digestive issues that you know work for you.
Hopefully you know to only drink bottled water and to use it even for tooth brushing. Most hotels will provide bottled water and usually have filtered water at breakfast buffets.