Is there a cheap flight from Istanbul to Nevsehir, Cappadocia? Turkish Airlines charges $500.00 for a one and a half hour flight. Sounds exaggerated. Can you recommend any other airline? Thanks. Jay.
There should be at least a couple low cost carriers that fly to Cappadocia - if they are still in business after the pandemic.
Note that there are two airports that serve Cappadocia: Nevsehir and Kayseri. Both are more or less about the same distance from the things most people go to see; Nevsehir may be slightly closer, but is the smaller of the two, and I think probably has fewer options for flights. Check out Kayseri, it's well served by multiple airlines, it was convenient and easy. Also try Pegasus Airlines, one of several low-cost carriers in Turkey (there are others). In March we flew from Antalya to Kayseri on Pegasus and the flights were around $US 25, unbelievably cheap.
Note that flights to Cappadocia are seasonal - in the summer (very, very busy tourist season) you will find many, many flight options; in the off season the flights are more limited. In a pandemic when travel is prohibited, well, you can expect flight availability to be "limited" (in fact, probably nonexistent).
I'll just add that the price you mention for Turkish Airlines seems incredible and wrong. I think you're making some mistake and/or the system you're using to access pricing is broken. There could also be some technical issues currently since air service is all but stopped in Turkey (all their international flights are grounded, which is amazing since before the pandemic they had flights to more countries than any other airline in the world; the borders are all closed, and I believe the government has banned most domestic travel between regions).
During "normal" times, domestic flights within Turkey are unbelievably cheap.
We flew from Kayseri to Istanbul in March on Turkish Airlines; the tickets cost about US$ 35 each (one way, per person). And that wasn't even the cheapest fare - the cheapest fares were about $20- $25 (there may have been some flights under $20 at inconvenient times), but I wanted to buy up for some extra services (more checked baggage allowance) and splurged on the $35 tickets..
Look at other times/dates, look at Kayseri airport, look at both Istanbul airports (there are 2), look at multiple airlines (Turkish Airlines is great and I'd choose them over any competition, but for our flight from Antalya to Kayseri, Pegasus was the only airline that had a nonstop flight, and it was crazy cheap; it worked out fine).
If you are finding $500 flights, something is wrong. Flights should be under $50. At least when there isn't a pandemic...
I paid about $560 to fly from the Washington DC area to Istanbul via Turkish Air more than once, so something definitely seems off in your flight search. Your flight should cost a fraction of that amount. I would check back at a later time when you can actually make the trip. The Istanbul Airport is closed to all international flights now.
I stated May of 2021 for my flight with Turkish Airlines from Istanbul to Nevsehir and it was $500.00. I'll try Pegasus to Kayseri as you have suggested. By the way, I had planned to go this year, but you know what happened. Be save guys, and thank you for your help.
If you are looking 11 months out (May 2021), it's no wonder you are getting ridiculous prices. These are simply placeholders and more reliable pricing will be available much, much closer to your trip. I would not take anything you see today as a given, it's too far into the future. I doubt any airline knows what's going to happen that far down the road in terms of schedules and prices.
Why is it so expensive? I'm checking it right now and it states a price range from 30 to 50 Euros from istanbul to kayseri.