The last thread I saw about eating produce in Istanbul was from 2014, so I am asking this again.
I would love to eat street food in Istanbul but have probably talked myself out of buying from street cart vendors. The posters in the old thread said OK to eat salad in restaurants. But I am guessing there are a range of restaurants, some being more of a niche with sidewalk seating? Is it acceptable to ask a waiter if the produce was washed with filtered water? Would you believe the answer?
The CDC recommends a typhoid vaccine to decrease salmonella woes. I think I am going to do that. Has anyone else gotten the vaccine? Your experience?
Any recent adventurous eaters in Istanbul? And how adventurous were you? I would love to eat tomato and onion with a kebab. I would also love to eat cherries from the market, but I could at least clean them with bottled water.