Many experienced travelers are probably familiar with a stretch of Spain's Mediterranean coast that Rick Steves once derisively called the Costa de Turismo -- a stretch where expats from the UK are so prevalent, entire towns seem to be entirely devoted to serving their holiday needs: all prices are in Pounds, all the shops, bars and restaurants have signs 100% in English, with English football (what we Yanks call soccer) matches blaring on big-screen TVs, all the food is British, there are radio and TV stations dedicated to British expats, and nary a bit of Spain evident. If it weren't for the warm, sunny weather, wall-to-wall condo and vacation villages, one would be hard pressed to know that you weren't somewhere in England.
Now, that's not my cup of tea (and I think Rick Steves' snarky reference to the Costa de Turismo suggests he didn't paricularly like it either), but there's nothing wrong with that - if lots of Brits have found their happy place along the Spanish coast, who am I to criticize them? That's not the Spain that I like, but vive la difference, and all that. There are other places for me.
I'm currently planing a trip to Turkey. In my research, I'm finding what looks a lot like the same phenomenon along the Mediterranean coast there in Turkey. Towns that seem more than just v-e-r-y popular with Brits on holiday, but stretches of the coast that seem to have been transformed into places just like that stretch of the Spanish coast: dotted along the coast from Izmir to Bodrum to Dalyan around to Antalya. I suspect that is sporadic rather than completely pervasive all along this coast, with expat pockets interspersed with places that have not been transformed (it's a long coastline).
I plan to tour along this area, and am hoping to spend my time mostly in places that have not been highly transformed to expat holiday villages. This stretch of Turkey doesn't seem to be discussed much here (and the Rick Steves Turkey tour seems to bypass this coastal stretch...hmmm).
Anyone here familiar with this part of Turkey? Am I worrying too much about this? Can you provide any insights as to which parts of this coast are more (and less) overwhelmed and touristy?
Thanks for any insights and pointers you can offer.