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Balloon Companies in Cappadocia

Does anyone have a specific company to recommend for the balloon ride in Cappadocia? Or a way to choose one? There are so many and it's rather overwhelming trying to pick one. Thank you!

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715 posts

I did a balloon ride with Royal Balloons. Admittedly, that was 9 years ago, and so I don't know what they are like now. At the time, though, they were excellent.

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2431 posts

Our RS tour arranged for us to fly (at our own expense) with Kapadokya Balloons. Great pilot and enjoyable experience, they even gave us little breakfast snack bags. They picked us up at our hotel pre-dawn (in September that was 5 a.m.) and brought us back after.

Whatever company you choose, carefully note their cancellation policy and other terms. All balloon outfits are subject to a civil air authority that decides if they can fly or not on a given day. If it's a no fly day, most companies will allow you to transfer your reservation to the next morning at no charge. I think some might refund your money in that situation but you really have to confirm that ahead of time.

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12 posts

Thank you, I appreciate your responses. Many of the companies are already sold out for our date so that is making the decision much simpler! If anyone in the future is booking a balloon ride, book early!

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21 posts

I just returned a few days ago from an Overseas Adventure Travel trip to Turkey and we used Kapadokya Balloon company as well. Great once in a lifetime experience.