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Air Canada vs. Turkish Airlines

I will be traveling from Chicago to Turkey and was wondering if anyone has any reviews of Air Canada as well
as the Turkish airlines. I have been researching both and so far, I see pretty consistent reviews for both: Turkish=excellent while Air Canada seems to have its fair share of very bad reviews on service, delays, etc.
I was leaning towards Air Canada just for the simple fact that the flight is scheduled to arrive in the morning (not wasting a day out of my vacation) whereas the Turkish direct flight would not arrive until evening.
Curious to hear your stories before I make a commitment. Thank you in advance!!

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2723 posts

I have flown both and I prefer Air Canada. I just took the LAX to Istanbul non-stop and it was ok, but the plane was very hot and very crowded. There were lots and lots of lap children, and people were changing diapers on the seats around us (I have really never seen anything quite like it), and even though the flight attendants told the passengers to stop doing it , they continued right on. The food on Turkish was fine and the video choices were really excellent, but the overhead lights didn't work and so there was no way to read a non-Kindle book. Seat size was just ordinary. If you were thinking of upgrading to their Premium Economy type seat, you'd be fine on Turkish, but they don't have that extra mid-cabin on all flights from the US to Turkey, so check their website. Their Premium Economy really looked great.

Air Canada was nice because, last time I flew them, I was able to buy an exit row seat for just a little extra money. I can't recall food or video details for Air Canada. I think you'd be fine on either airline, but I carry some pretty funny/cringeworthy memories of all those screaming children and the diapers. Halfway through our 14 hour flight, the man with a lap child next to my mom accidently let the child pee directly on the seat!!:)

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160 posts

Hi- My husband and I flew on Turkish airlines in Dec. 2014, and our non-stop return flight to Boston was empty then we took Jet Blue to Baltimore.. We had a row each to stretch out. The flight going was crowded and we were bumped from 2 seats on aisle to middle row but they treat you well on Turkish airlines so that it was okay! So I guess it depends on what time of year you are flying and whether flights are booked...Everything worked smoothly for us so I would definitely fly Turkish Air again.. We also flew on 2 different domestic airlines in Turkey. If you have any questions ask because I love talking about magnificent Turkey!

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1726 posts

I wouldn't be overly concerned about the reviews about Air Canada. I like them just fine. Air Canada bashing is really in vogue in Canada these days. Their main competitor has fostered an Apple cult-like following and as a result people are unduly (in my opinion) harsh on AC.

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16895 posts

Since I don't sleep well on airplanes, I'd be happy to have a flight arrive in the evening. Then, I could go straight to bed without feeling guilty, instead of trying to fight jet lag on arrival day.

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8293 posts

"Air Canada bashing is really in vogue in Canada these days". Gee, I wonder why that is ? Possibly because they really deserve to be bashed. A friend of mine once asked an Air Canada crew member if the company only hired rude people or did they train them to be rude.