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Virtual Pilgrimage through Slovenia

I just finished up a 15-day virtual trip to Slovenia. The trip was organized by Chris at the Chocolate Suitcase website and featured Sašo, Tina, and Ervin who work together at Private Guide Slovenia. The first two guides were featured on Rick Steves' 2010 TV episode on Slovenia. The cost of the experience was $75.

I was very pleased with the virtual tour, which included 15 days of content. The content for four days consisted of a one-hour live session (2 tours of sites, 1 wine tasting, and 1 discussion hour). The content for other days consisted of a daily 12-15 minute video that included hikes, sites, and people of Slovenia. The quality of the videos was quite good. The guides oozed warmth while providing a lot of good information and were certainly able to make the experience feel personal despite the distance created by computer screens. It was nice to get a daily dose of European travel from Europeans. Plus, the knowledge of helping private guides during the pandemic was a very nice feeling.

I enjoyed the experience so much, I am signing up for the upcoming virtual pilgrimage through the South of France with a different guide, even though I'm not that interested in the South of France. Sašo, Tina, and Irwin will be doing a virtual trip through Croatia in May. I'll sign up for that, too.

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4187 posts

Thanks for the link and info Dave. I was hoping to go somewhere in June, in the US, but that isn’t looking too promising, so maybe this will be a good alternative. I’m looking at the Madrid tour. One question, the live tours, what time of day were they?

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The live tours/sessions were on Saturdays at 11:00 am eastern time, except for the wine tasting which was on a Friday afternoon.

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4187 posts

Did they give you the info before you Pressed confirm purchase? because now that we and most friends have been vaccinated, we have been going out on the weekends. I wish i could get my husband to Watch with me, but he doesn’t like zoom or classes on line. I can’t get him to Watch Rick’s Monday night travels but he does like his show. Go figure.

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4018 posts

If you look at the South of France virtual pilgrimage and scroll to the bottom, you will see that it gives a description of what is included. For this trip, the first live event is at 11 am central time (noon eastern), so I suspect that is when the other live events will be. The live events are recorded and posted for later viewing for those who can’t make them.