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Venice & Vernazza & medical care in Italy

Just visited Venice & Vernazza and now in Lauterbrunnen with spectacular weather
at all stops-70 and sunshine...recommend the cross pollinate website for b&b.s in
Rome, Florence, Venice & Paris...stayed at CaRicio in Venice-very charming, gr8
breakfast & Vernazza stayed at Giani Franzi in a room hanging over the
water with small balcony & outdoor sundeck & breakfast on a deck hanging over the
ocean.both were 170 US girlfriend had a fall in the train station and turned
out to be a fractured wrist and went to hospital for xrays, temporary cast & ambulance
ride to another hospital for cast and total charge was 0 dollars!

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Thanks for your report. We have also been nicely surprised by the low cost of emergency services in Europe. You can't beat zero!