There are a few tips I added to my travel journal, that I thought I'd post here as an Addendum to My Trip Report for London
To do:
Next time, bring: 1) two cardigans, a pair of gloves, my own washcloth, real toothpaste (those Lush Toothy Tabs get old really quickly), silk underwear. Also, consider some sort of little slim pouch to fit some cash and my passport. It seemed at the airport, I was constantly digging in my carryon for my passport and boarding pass. I saw a couple with very nice pouches that did the trick.
Next time: Plan on taking a cab or two. Go to the Globe Theatre.
To don't: Bring soap. They have Unscented Dove at Tesco. Don't bring sweetener--just buy it there (I brought my own because I was so nervous, I didn't want to try and find a market the first thing upon landing). Don't bring antacids--just buy them there. Don't bring extra saline. I discovered they sell Biotrue at Boot's. Don't overload your Oyster card the day before you leave. Getting a refund is a pain.
Two gadgets I ended up not using were: the portable keyboard for my tablet, and my Bluetooth. The Bluetooth is small so it really didn't take up room, but they keyboard was a pain in the rear.
Some further notes: .5 oz of deodorant is enough for a week, possibly 3 weeks.
3 oz. of Biotrue saline is not quite enough for a week.
Buy sunscreen in England, or don't.
Washing undies and socks in the shower is not so bad.
Definitely go on one of the London Walks so as to at least interact with people.
Get another one of those yummy mushroom and spinach pies from Fortnum & Mason!
And most of all: Pack light, pack light, pack light.