Just FYI all three fountains in Piazza Navona as well as the Trevi fountain are closed and not running. October 12, 2024
Right. All of them are undergoing cleaning and restoration work prior to Jubilee. Same with the Pantheon's. Live cams here (have to sit through an initial ad, sorry):
...also the Pieta in St.Peters Basilica though they have a replica on display.
Guess we were lucky to see the Trevi fountain in its full glory last month.
Do you know when they will become operational again? We will be there in late December.
France 24 article from Oct. 8th says the Trevi process is expected to take 2 months, and a temporary walkway will be erected for viewing in meantime. As well, it's been reported that a future fee of €1 or €2 will be levied for closest access to the fountain.
No idea about the Piazza Navona fountains (link below indicates "4th quarter" for Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi) but as Jubilee officially begins December 24th, I'd guess they'll be done shortly before. I"m sure some of us will be keeping an eye out and will post if firm dates become available!
Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, and part of the Duomo in Florence are also under wraps.
I’m assuming they are being given a big scrub prior to Holy Year next year.
My bus from FCO into Rome went past St. John in Laterano , which was absolutely sparkling white- looking , ready for next year.
S J, I'm seeing a huge video screen in front of the right side of Santa Maria Maggiore's facade but can't clearly see on the webcam exactly what it's for, although I am seeing what appears to be an ad for Boggi. IMHO, it's a weird thing to clutter up the front of one of the 4 major basilicas with. i'm wondering if it's in place to eventually televise the opening of that basilica's Holy Door for a crowd during Jubilee, and maybe Boggi paid for its installation but can't find anything on it, even on the church's website. Any idea?
No idea, Kathy.
I was only in Rome for less than 18 hours, and was quickly passing by the Basilica on my way to Via Merulana to get a sim card at the VodaFone shop there.
I just remember the screen being huge and obscuring a large part of that side of the building.
I hope it’s not permanent!
I remember in October 2014 when the Trevi Fountain was closed for cleaning. An overhead pathway through the middle of the fountain was constructed with plexiglass walls.