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Traveling to Portugal as part of my euro trip

Hi Everyone, I will be traveling to Portugal for a day to kickstart my euro trip starting 3rd September. Based on what I know, all I need is a negative covid test(I am a fully vaccinated individual btw) to enter Portugal as a US citizen. Could someone confirm whether it’s necessary or not to take a Covid test prior to departure? Lastly, I am coming back to the US on the 26th from Zurich with a stopover in Lisbon for a few hours. Would I need to take a Covid test then as well before boarding the return flight? Kindly help me as it’s so hard to figure it out and embassies rarely pick up the phone.

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34358 posts

I'm afraid that nobody knows the answer to either of your questions. You will need to keep checking the requirements for each of the countries you are visiting, and the needs for vaccinations, testing, and PLFs.

Everything is fluid - what is true today may or may not be true when you arrive, travel or return.

You can research the current position but you need to check and check again. Including your flights... they change a lot. Just scroll around the Forums here over recent days and read about all the changes people have had.

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23679 posts

This section is for "Trip Reports" where individuals give their experiences after a trip. Suggest you delete and post your question in the proper section -- Questions and Answers.

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863 posts

What I found helpful was the airline website, in our case, TAP. However, you may have to hunt for the info. It’s not a well-designed website. If you’re not on TAP, you’ll need to consult your airline’s website. I found the Embassy of Portugal’s website to be outdated. As of 3 weeks ago, you needed a negative test result within 48 hours of beginning travel for entry into Portugal. I don’t know what is required currently. As of right now, for a short transit, you don’t need a negative test result to enter Portugal, but you will need one to return to the US. You need to stay updated on whatever rules there are for your airline, transit countries, countries you are visiting, and requirements to re-enter the US. Good luck. It takes time.

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2207 posts

I was in Portugal a couple of weeks ago - although traveling on a Dutch version of the EU Digital COVID Certificate. I found this page quite helpful when checking out the rules and restrictions:

For US Citizens and EU persons arriving by AIR, they say you will need:

  1. RT-PCR Test (or similar NAAT test) - 72h before boarding, or
  2. Rapid Antigen Test - 48h before boarding, or
  3. A valid EU Digital COVID Certificate

Children under 12 do not need to present tests. All passengers need to fill a Passenger Locator Card (individually) before departure to Portugal or onboard at
Again, we were traveling on #3, but if you do not have that option, it appears you can use #1 or #2. We each did complete the Passenger Locator Card, but then no one asked to see it. We were traveling intra-Schengen - so no passport control was necessary - and we arrived in Portugal, we were met shortly after the Jet Bridge by a group of Immigration Officials and police. There we were required to show our passports (to verify our ID) and one of the above three items. Then we were allowed into the terminal and head to the baggage carousels. Or, for others on the flight, to connect with their next flight.

On the return, under the current USA and Portugal rules, it appears a Rapid Antigen Test - 48h before boarding in Portugal - would cover you under all criteria. Again, all of this is subject to change and the interpretation of the "gatekeepers" (those folks doing the document inspection) so I'd err on the side of caution... And, as mentioned, stay informed and updated throughout your travels. Good Luck!