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SCOTLAND: The "Pay and Display" Tour (Part twelve, and final report)

Wednesday, July 24th. (continued): We topped up with petrol for the final time at our favourite Tesco, then made our way very carefully back to Aberdeen Airport. We bid a sad farewell to our faithful Corsa, which had been our travelling companion for 2,248 road miles, and many additional miles with CalMac. Then it was off to the terminal for a 6:00 p.m. flight to Bergen. My suitcase weighed in at 21 kg; Mrs A's weighed in at 19kg. However, my carryon seemed almost as heavy as my suitcase. Good thing no one weighed it!

Mrs A and I believe that this has been one of our best holidays in Scotland. Normally, I choose the places we visit, and lodging. However, this year Mrs A chose several of our destinations, and all of them were exceptional. Next time, I'm going to let her plan the trip!

Some things of note from our 29 days in Scotland, and from previous trips:

Charity shops are fun! We have found some wonderful items in them over the years. Mrs A and I usually go for books, CDs, and DVDs, but we have found some excellent clothing and trinkets as well. (Mrs A found a beautiful inscribed glass paperweight in Cupar for two pounds. It takes pride of place in her paperweight collection.) Church jumble sales are fun, too, if there happens to be one going on where you are. Car boot sales can be interesting, although you have to be careful not to buy any knock off clothing or electronics. And The Barras in Glasgow is an experience not to be missed if you find yourself nearby on a weekend.

Get a Co-op customer card. It only costs one pound, and it pays for itself in one visit. Especially on the Meal Deals.

Get a Tesco customer card. They are free. If you have to give an address when you fill out the form, just give the address of your last (or next) lodging. Or if you have a friend in Scotland, use their address. The Tesco card will save you money from day one.

Watch BBC Alba. Most of the broadcasts are in Gaelic, but a lot of them have English subtitles. There are some wonderful documentaries on the network.

Speaking of television, late night telly seems to consist of reruns of Naked Attraction and Family Guy. Has the Sun finally set on the British Empire?

Make advance dinner reservations on the islands, and in smaller towns on the mainland.

As Mrs A and I are frequent users of public toilets, we've found that the best are in supermarkets and health clinics. Pubs will do in a pinch, and in my case, roadside lay-bys (with trees!).

The absolute best Scottish tablet we've ever found is at the Jac-o-Bites cafe in Mallaig. They sell it at the counter in the cafe.

We are very much looking forward to our next holiday in Scotland. We're hoping once again to fly in to Aberdeen, as it's much easier to navigate than Glasgow or Edinburgh.

Thanks for sticking with us through our adventures. For those of you who have never travelled to Scotland, go!

Posted by
9017 posts

Every Scottish Council (unlike in England) has lists of council run public toilets in their area on their websites. Even if you don't plan to have data while there they can be downloaded- sometimes as downloads , sometimes into your own 'word' document.
If you have data (or even just wi fi in your hotel room) then look at a toilet app (like flush) or website like this-

Wild toileting in lay-bys is illegal. If you are seen by a police officer (or reported by a passing motorist) you will be in trouble. There are specific offences you can be prosecuted under for such activity which just isn't necessary with some pre-planning.

Posted by
7501 posts

It’s refreshing to read a “long” trip report where the writer visited places other than the main tourist destinations and rented a vehicle to get around. We do the same when visiting Spain and it’s nice going to places that most tourists will never experience.

Posted by
8824 posts

I agree—I love to read Mike's reports because I know he and Mrs. A will be traveling to places that are way off the beaten path. Mike, I learn so much from your trip reports. Thank you for taking the time to write them. Now to start planning my next trip to Scotland!

Posted by
1593 posts

Thanks, jamieelsabio and Mardee,

We always try to seek out new places in Scotland, especially out of the way places where we haven't been before. It's getting increasingly harder to do, as we've been over so many times. I keep thinking that I should write new lyrics to that Johnny Cash song, I've Been Everywhere!

Already planning our next holiday. To quote Robbie O'Connell in his song Hard to Say Goodbye,

"But finally I make it home and I'm barely settled when
I'm already making plans to go again"

Best wishes,

Mike (Auchterless)

Posted by
1593 posts

Hi, Stuart,

Not to worry - no out in the open public urination for me! If we have to stop in a lay-by, it's always one with a copse of trees or high bushes nearby so that I can avoid being seen.

"...activity which just isn't necessary with some pre-planning." Actually, all the pre-planning in the world doesn't work in my case. Especially on the routes which we take, which involve long stretches of road out in the middle of nowhere. Once you reach a certain age, pre-planning goes right out the window!

Just came across this excerpt from Ian Rankin's 2022 Rebus novel A Song for the Dark Times, in which retired CID officer John Rebus is driving from Altnaharra to Tongue:

"When he paused in a passing place to relieve his bladder, he took deep breaths in an effort to appreciate his wilderness surroundings"

Works for him; works for me. Except that I wouldn't have used a passing place!

Best wishes, and welcome back after your brief hiatus!

Mike (Auchterless)

Posted by
1593 posts

Hi, Gerry,

I had two PMs from forum members who couldn't find the original posts, so I bumped them up to help them find the posts more easily.

Mike (Auchterless)

Posted by
1474 posts

Oh ok! There's better ways of letting people read your old threads. :)

Posted by
1593 posts

Hi again, Gerry,

Yes, there probably are, but being pretty much of a Luddite when it comes to these things, it seemed the easiest solution! :)


Posted by
1474 posts

I felt a bit bad for commenting afterwards when I realised it was because you weren't completely au-fait with what to do. If you ever want any tips on the technicalities of the forum feel free to PM me.

Posted by
1593 posts

Hi, Gerry,

Thanks for the offer. I probably won't be back in Scotland until 2026, so I'd have forgotten everything by then. Anyway, at least someone may have fun reading all of my posts for the first time. It was a labour of love at the time. Makes me wish I was back there!

Best wishes,


Posted by
1474 posts

No worries! When the thread came back around again I noticed you'd left me hanging with the question whether you'd been to Bo'ness :)

Posted by
1593 posts

Hi, Gerry,

My apologies. The last time I was in Bo'ness was 1974, so I don't remember much of it! Now that I think of it, that was 50 years ago! I can barely remember what I did 50 minutes ago! :(
