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Prague > Vienna > Budapest or do it in reverse?

I'm planning a trip to Prague, Vienna, and Budapest, traveling from the United States.

Does it make a difference if I start in Prague and leave from Budapest? Is one airport better for arrivals or departures? How about train stations—is one better for arriving or departing?

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21525 posts

If your plans are tge three with no stops in between, there is a tgird and fourth, faster, options. 3rd: Prague to Budapest by discount airline then train to Vienna. 4th: same as 3rd in reverse.

Prague wiĺ be the most intense in crowds, Vienna in cost and Budapest in enjoyment (I get to have my opinion). So I would do Prague first to get it out of the way, then slow down.

The Budapest airport every year gets awards and it's simple to navigate. I went thru Vienna a few weeks ago and it was pretty okay as well. It's been too many years since Prague for me to comment, but I suspect they have found an efficient way to deal with the tourist crush.

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933 posts

We, a few years ago, traveled Prague, Cesky Krumlov, Salzburg, Hallstatt, Vienna and then Budapest…..great trip. Rented a car in Pardue and drove to Budapest where we turned it in.

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166 posts

Love flying into Budapest. Easy getting into the city center. Watch the YouTube video. Then train to Vienna about a two and a half hour ride. Then off to Prague. About 4 hours. You got to watch the taxis at the train station in Prague. Go out the front door of the station walk across the street to your left is a hotel on the corner. Go to the front desk and they will call a taxi for you. We were there for Christmas and last summer. Going back in August.

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21525 posts

jane, what was the cost of that car? Rental, gas, tolls, parkiing, drop off fee? Just curious as some day I might give it a try. My gut is maybe $2.000 to $3.000 for 16 days?

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1757 posts

When we did this, we started in Budapest, mainly because it was early July, and we thought travelling north as the weather presumably got warmer made sense. Otherwise, I don't think it makes that much difference. If you find a better deal on flights for one option vs the other, take it.