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Our 4 Day Trip to Edinburgh

Found round trip tickets to Edinburgh for 11 euro with Ryan Air, so daughter & I hopped on a bus in Frankfurt for 12 euro each and rode the 120 km to Hahn airport. Flight was good and we arrived in Edinburgh, taking a short bus ride into the city. I had found a lovely B&B on Trip Advisor and it was perfect. Our room looked out on Arthurs Seat, the hostess was warm and helpful & breakfast was tasty. All for 64 GBP pe night. Spent most of out time walking up and down the Royal Mile. Took a Mercat Tour of the Underground Vaults that was great. Also took a Sandemann Free tour that was a total waste of time. Wish we had gone on a different one. The 1 day it was sunny, rode the bus to Portobello Beach. Had the best fish & chips there! Lots of thrift shops to be found that were fun too, for mom and daughter shopping. Other days, we enjoyed Mother India for great curries and also tried a veggie haggis. Visited the Scottish Parliament to watch a debate, went to all the free museums and the National Art Gallery, as well as a free concert of the Royal Highlands Band. Can't wait to go back. Flight home went smoothly and I have no qualms about flying Ryan Air again. Got help from this forum and the Destination Experts on Trip Advisor about things to do and see as well as bus route info, etc.

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Jo - Glad to read you had a great time in Edinburgh. It is one of my favorite cities to visit. Also glad to hear you had no issues with Ryan Air. My oldest daughter is studying at NUI Maynooth and has been using Ryan Air to travel all over. As she says "If you follow the rules and pay attention Ryan Air is a fine way to travel".