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More Markets in Budapest for Christmas (and the rest of the year).

More Markets in Budapest for Christmas (and the rest of the year).

No reason to stop with the Christmas markets, there are a lot of traditional Hungarian markets around town. Most date from about the same time as the Great Market Hall (but none as large). I have enjoyed seeking them out and hit most of the on this trip. The architecture is good and the vendors unique. Good any day of the week (except maybe Monday), but the best bet is Friday, Saturday and Sunday when vendors come from the country and set up booths and some set up antiques and collectables in the market.

More information:

Great Market Hall (Nagyvásárcsarnok): On every tourist list is worth the trip, located on the 47/49 and the 2 Trams. Don’t miss the basement where the fish and the pickled vegetables are.

Hunyadi Square Market Hall (Hunyadi téri vásárcsarnok): small but with many local vendors. A three minute walk from either the M1 Metro or the 4/6 Tram.

Klauzál Square Market Hall (Klauzál téri Vásárcsarnok) located towards the back of the old Jewish ghetto. One of the markets that has some antique vendors set up on weekends. This is about a 10 min walk from the Opera House or down Dob utca from the 4/6 Tram. I shop here pretty often.

Rakoczi Square Market Hall (Rákóczi téri Vásárcsarnok) another cute old market hall built 120 years ago. Easy to reach with about a 2 minute walk from 4/6 Tram

Lehel Market. Okay this one is not old and historic. But it is among the strangest architecture in Budapest and a very large market. Worth it for the modern cultural experience and to see what Hungarians buy. It’s a few minute walk from the 4/6 Tram and Nyugati Train Station.

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2 posts

did you send home your finds?
if so, what were the logistics and costs?

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21527 posts

Nobody got presents this year. But if I had wanted to, I would have bought a souvineer duffle bag with Budapest written all over it, and stuffed all my clothes in it and put the gifts in the regular bag and paid the $80 for the checked bag. Just easier and probably cheaper than shipping which can also take many weeks.