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Just wanted to report my Megabus experience in Europe. We took the following routes: London to Paris 35 Euros, Paris to Barcelona 30 Euros, Florence to Rome 5 Euros and Rome to Venice 4 Euros. All coaches left at night and arrived the following morning and were on time without delay. Booking was done in the states prior on their website. We had no problems checking in with a simple print out. The buses from London to Paris and to Barcelona had power in each seat. The Italian ones did not. Wifi was in and out. I'd say 50% of the time it worked. There was one rest stop on each trip that allowed for restroom breaks and to buy food and coffee at reasonable prices. My main concern prior to the trip was what kind of people we'd be traveling with at these prices and I'm happy to report that it was not an issue. Most travelers were young locals and a few other backpackers. It's a very safe environment. At one point an Italian girl ran off the bus because she thought we had left some thing behind. A night mask. It turned out not to be ours but very nice of her. We saved a ton of money on train tickets and four nights hotel. It's not for everyone but I think somebody would find this useful.

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16895 posts

And how did you sleep? Leg room and seat comfort? A 4h 15min bus ride is not much time to sleep between Florence and Rome. Train tickets and flights can also be very cheap (but starting from about double of these prices) if purchased a couple of months in advance, so your biggest savings was on the hotels.

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4989 posts

Thanks for posting, Nik! It might not be my choice of travel, but I could see my 20's & 30's something kids choosing this for cost reasons - and it's nice to hear from someone who has done it.

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30 posts

We slept fine. This type of budget travel is not for everyone. This is just another option that some may find useful. Budget travelers, backpackers and young people would find this most useful. It is a safe environment should anyone have reservations.

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7054 posts

Is it actually under the "Megabus" label, or does each place have a local company that acts as "Megabus"? For example, here in the Washington DC area we have at least two long-route bus companies that compete - Bolt Bus and Megabus. Bolt is much nicer and more comfortable. In Poland (where I'm from), "Polski Bus" is the Polish version of Megabus/Bolt bus and the quality and character is similar.