Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos with us! Your photos brought back memories of our time in Tuscany.
We were in Tuscany in December and sailed down the Rhine in July. I took the big camera (5D2) and little camera (Lumix LX7) on the December trip, but left the little camera home in July. I found the Lumix images were usually too noisy after post processing.
OK, setting artistic considerations aside, let's talk shop. First, folks who ask about cameras should also be asking about lenses and post processing tools.
What lenses did you take for your 5D2? For Tuscany, I took a 17-40, 50mm f1.8, 85mm f 1.8, 135mm f2.0 and a 70-200 f2.8. I simplified in July, leaving all the primes at home and adding a 24-70 f4 IS.
How are you processing? For the first time I did some hand held multi-exposure captures. I combined them with Oleneo HDR software and was very pleased at how well it registered and handled ghosts. I also use a combination of other tools: Nik Silver Efex Pro for B&W, Topaz Labs Adjust and Detail, Replichrome Lightroom Plugins and ON1 Photo 10, especially their Effects module with Photomorphis texture plugins.
Again, it's a matter of individual vision. I tend to be a little more conservative in Post Processing and probably would have set the opacity of the effects layer at less than 100%. Still, those are great images of what must have been a wonderful trip!