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Is Mike B's trip over?

No new reports?😞

Posted by
9436 posts

Zoe, I've been wondering what happened to him too and why his reports abruptly stopped... 😒

Posted by
2393 posts

Same here - Wasn't he was joining a RS tour - maybe no time?

Posted by
1324 posts

I'm hoping for a mid-tour interim report, but I know how busy one can be!
I, too, hope and his wife are having a wonderful time.

Posted by
1206 posts

No, his trip is NOT finished. His Belgium/Holland tour finishes in Amsterdam on Saturday. I do not know if he is staying on in Amsterdam or anywhere else in Europe after the tour. But I do know, ( he wrote me) and promised to provide a trip report.

Posted by
440 posts

Hopefully he will finish his trip with a bigger report. He is most likely having to much fun to stop and write

Posted by
12133 posts

His earlier post stated he was on the 5-17 to 5-27 Belgium/Holland RS tour.


1- He never left Lyon and is still eating and drinking

2-his communication device was stolen

3- Belgium and Holland are too "serious" ( or boring?) to write about

4- He was captured by aliens and taken to to the Delta quadrant

5- he is writing a book of his travels and it will be on sale on Amazon in a couple of weeks

Voting is now open

Posted by
985 posts

After all of our earlier replies I would vote for # 5.

Posted by
2324 posts

Well, I'm buying a copy-I think Bill Bryson is getting too cranky.

Posted by
682 posts

I'm in line for a copy, too! Hope all is well.

Posted by
34358 posts

It's a shame we hear no more. It was wonderful to hear his plans,and first impressions - and now nothing.....

Maybe kidnapped by Russian spies and sent to North Korea?

Posted by
10428 posts

this is definitely suspicious . . . he's just left us HANGING, waiting for more of his inimitable prose!

Posted by
12133 posts

Being fairly new to this forum, I am not sure what etiquette is in all instances.

Would it be rude to send him a private message to inquire about his well being? (Or will that just up the price of his book?)

Posted by
9436 posts

It's never rude to send a nice PM. I sent him one a couple days ago... no response. I hope he's ok.

Posted by
2393 posts

I sent one over a week ago...npo response. I sure hope all is OK.

Posted by
12133 posts

Susan & Christi

Well in light of your responses, I will now vote #4

Sure hope some calamity did not occur

Posted by
9436 posts

Turns out it was #6... the flu. So glad Mike's ok now.

Posted by
2324 posts

Hopefully the flu didn't hit til after his trip was over. Still, sorry to hear that.

Posted by
12133 posts

Posted by Mike Beebe OP
Seattle, WA
06/18/17 05:40 PM
141 posts

I live!

Sorry I haven't written back to those of you who've written asking about me: I'm currently hale again having been struck down by the flu right after arriving back in America. Work is seriously intense right now, too, which is taking up my writing time. However, I am writing up my experiences in the beautiful nations of Belgium and Holland and will share them with you as soon as I'm done.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading up until my hiatus; I promise there's more to come!

-- Mike Beebe

Posted by
503 posts

Looking forward to your additional reports and glad to hear you're recovered from the flu. Not surprised you got sick with all your travels. Re-entry into "regular" life sure is difficult, isn't it?!

Posted by
2252 posts

Great to hear you are feeling better and have returned home in one piece. I'm looking forward to reading your reports whenever you are ready. They are always so much fun!!