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London November 2021 Trip End

A shuttle pulled up just as I exited. Cued behind 20 others and took a seat. There were about 40 of us with luggage on the bus. 8-10 minute ride to the transport area. On the drive over our driver announced “ if you are taking an Uber or Lyft make your phone call now.” As we approached the transit iarea he stated, “ Uber to your left, taxis in the center and Lyft on your right.” I’d snagged a seat behind the driver hoping he’d open front AND middle doors. He did and I was off the bus with my luggage in seconds. Immediately surveyed my surroundings. There we already 30 people waiting in the taxi line. I joined the queue.

15 minutes later I was in a Bell Cab heading home. Traffic was LA typical. Turned the key into my apartment bldg an hour after my flight had landed.

Have to say having Global Entry to use at LAX is worth it.

Good night of sleep. Nice to be home.

Booking July flight next week.

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I agree on the Global Entry. Made sure to get it for my mother on our France trip last Nov/Dec. Only one person ahead of us when returning through LAX, but with 6 screens to choose from not a big issue. And it was a surprise to have security say, Welcome back Tim. At SFO they just waive me through.