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Heathrow Connection Madness

We recently connected through Heathrow on our way to Madrid and have basically sworn off ever going through that airport again. I can't describe what happened within the word count allowed on this forum but to sum it up, the M.O. seems to be that the line is for losers, and only people who assert themselves are allowed passage. So, if you are in a hurry, you have to ask for a special waiver, and everyone is in a hurry, so everyone has a special waiver to jump queue, etc, resulting in total random chaos. The way back was only slightly better in that the normal queue was short, so it only took us 3 minutes to get to the passport checker in Terminal 5 who told us we needed to go to Terminal 3 (we were in Terminal 5 because the British Airways video said 'all international connections use Terminal 5' which turned out to be false data).
The final destination of this trip was Spain, and I can honestly say the only moments of severe culture shock (or any culture shock for that matter) that I experienced on the entire trip was in Heathrow.

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34221 posts

There were reports in yesterday's paper about half-mile queues at Heathrow in recent days again - up to 2 and a half hours to Passport Control for non-EU.

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923 posts

It's funny how different people's reactions are to airports. I like Heathrow. I find it to be very efficient and well signed. I did once encounter one of those long lines, and I was worried about getting through to get to my connecting gate. I stopped one of the uniformed BA people and showed her my ticket, and she put me in a much much shorter line. So I don't really have a problem with Heathrow. CDG, on the other hand ... I would sell my own mother if it meant I didn't have to travel to, from or through there! ;) I'm enjoying your Madrid tips.

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10 posts

It may have just been an off day...the fact that one of the passport checkers had a meltdown (because the wrong people were getting sent to her line) may have been an indication that it was an unusual morning at Heathrow. :) We did overhear another traveler back at Logan airport describing a similar experience at LHR so, I don't know if they've made some changes to their flows recently and are still working out the kinks. We were met with smiling and friendly service at LHR on the way back. Also, once we got used to the concept of not getting a gate assignment until 50 minutes before boarding, we could see how it is probably much more efficient than having everyone piling up at the gate the way they do at U.S. airports.

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9371 posts

I know they have had some problems, and maybe I have been lucky, but I like Heathrow, too. I have even slept there with no problem.

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42 posts

We are going through heathrow onto shannon ireland and then back through heathrow to rome end of july during the olympics. any idea what terminals we will be using??

Posted by
9371 posts

Millicent, it depends on what airline you are flying.

Posted by
5895 posts

Millicent, if you go to the Heathrow website, and click on the Flight Information tab you will see a link on the left that says "Which Terminal". You can use that to look up your flights. Rebecca, I'm sorry you had such a rough time at LHR. If you ever find you need to go through there in the future you can check the terminals that your flight will be using in advance on the Heathrow website. They also have connection instructions.

Posted by
53 posts

Chaos you say? We flew out of LHR 2 days after the Royal Wedding! I have never seen anything quite like that international waiting room (and I know chaos, I'm from New York City). Sadly this would not be the first time we were "treated" to LHR hospitality.
Husband and I travel to Europe every year, and we now do all we can to avoid LHR. Last year's fiasco was the final straw. Hint to the reader: Never laugh (or make a smart remark) at the checker when they ask you if you are carrying seeds. I don't know where they find the LHR workers since we absolutely l-o-v-e the British people and always have a glorious time in Great Britain. They are delightful have always gone out of their way to assist the baffled traveler. A thousand years ago when I began traveling (I'm now 68) British Airways, then BOAC, was the way to travel. Now, not so much......

Posted by
17 posts

That's funny! I also flew out of LHR 2 days after the Royal Wedding, and it was a piece of cake! There were Virgin employees roaming about and approaching anyone looking confused, asking what they could do to help! Maybe it was just the Virgin Atlantic staff that is so helpful despite the airport?

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19 posts

I've been traveling all over Europe by myself for over 30 years. Heathrow is about the only airport that comes close to reducing me to tears. Last time I connected through Heathrow, I felt like a hamster running for miles through tube-like hallways, airless with no place to sit down enroute. I wrote in my journal in large letters, "NO MORE HEATHROW!" Jude

Posted by
9436 posts

I don't like Heathrow either. Have never had a problem at CDG in the 20+ times I've been there. Funny how different everyone's experiences are.

Posted by
9324 posts

It is funny how each of us view airports. Been to and through LHR over 20 times. Never a problem. Yes, it's big, crowded and occasionally the wait can be long but it's a major European hub. Doesn't surprise me. What always impresses me there is the staff. Pleasant and informed has been my experience. Been to CDG twice. Now take the Eurostar to avoid CDG at all costs. Personally, if I never had to use LAX again I'd feel blessed. For my money, THE WORST airport on the planet!!!

Posted by
1446 posts

We have never had a problem flying into Heathrow and have done so many times, nor has CDG been a problem. The only airport negative experience has been in Frankfurt - horrible experience, but on our return trip it was very impressive. Who knows why the difference??

Posted by
32 posts

Heathrow is my favorite airport! I've never had a problem there, and their new international terminal is uncrowded and beautiful. I especially appreciate how polite the staff are and
how there are signs everywhere explaining what to do.

Posted by
209 posts

I have very mixed feelings about Heathrow. This summer it was very efficient and fast for us. But I have arrived during customs strikes and spent for four hours just getting to the tube. In general we find British security and airline officials very friendly and helpful. We find British immigration and customs people staff to have even less sense of humor and more ingrained bureaucracy than their U.S., French, German, and Italian counterparts. Only in Britain does the bureaucrat look at a young family of four with backpacks and start asking questions like: "So you are going to be touristing. What precisely are you going to see in London?" "Precisely?"