Continued from Part 5...
Potsdam - This should conclude my comments on Potsdam and Sanssouci. If I had a longer trip, I would have returned to Potsdam on another day. Plenty to see and do.
An interesting observation about the train ride from Potsdam to Berlin. The train car had candy, soda, and coffee vending machines on it. Nice.
Tuesday, May 22 - German History Museum (GHM), Berlin. This museum is so well organized, documented, and informative so that you knew what you are looking at. I obviously had to cover this museum rather quickly in a day, but I can see how a person could spend many more hours or days in it. It reminded me of the world history classes that I had to take in high school; in this museum, boring facts/history came to life. I was not impressed with the Special Exhibit on "Saving as a German History;" it was OK.
One side note about the GHM, they have a globe that does not have America on it. That is because they have a globe that was made before America was discovered. I wish I had taken a picture of the globe.
Wednesday -- Berggruen Museum, Berlin (across the street from the Charlottenberg Palace). I wanted to go to this museum because it has the Picasso Collection. Yes, I was a bit disappointed; the Picasso Museum in Paris is better. As for the other modern "artist" in this museum, i.e., Paul Klee, I say, give me a break...horrid.
Thursday -- Headed back Berlin to California. The Berlin/Munich leg of the trip was weather-delayed, which caused a 24-hour delay for me. Eventually, made it home. And, I am still reflecting on how wonderful my German trip was.