This topic comes up often, with many different opinions and experiences, but I thought some might benefit from my recent experience. We traveled to Amsterdam and Belgium last week, and anticipating ticket kiosks, I tried to prepare early.
I have a couple Chip and Signature cards, a Chip and PIN for business (that is still Signature Priority) but wanted a true Chip and PIN card for personal use.
After a year of looking, and finding the best information on, I settled on a card from the United Nations Federal Credit Union. I did have to go through some hoops, Had to join an organization for eligibility, then set up an account, then apply for a loan/credit line. I chose a card (UNFCU Elite) that does have small annual fee, but some benefits, no FTF, but it is truly PIN Priority.
In all my transactions at both "manned" and "unmanned" purchases (Even the oft remarked Dutch Train ticket Kiosks) I was asked for a PIN for all purchases from 5 euro to a couple hundred, never was the card declined. Even in the US, if at a POS terminal, I am asked for a PIN. Overall I am very pleased with the card, it really completes my travel plan of a couple credit cards and a couple ATM/Debit cards to work in all situations. It may or may not be right for everyone, but thought I would pass an experience on.