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Back in London

Overnight flight LAX to LHR.

Staying at 63 Bayswater. My go to spot. After a week will secure an apartment somewhere…neighborhood to be determined.

Enjoyed lunch with Nigel and Carol. Went to the Tortilla restaurant at St Pancras station. Tasty chicken quesadilla. Nice catch up. I’ll see them again this trip.

Meandered about British Library where Carol enjoyed some chocolate cake at the cafe.

Off they went and I tubed to back to Lancaster Gate.

Had topped up my venerable Oyster card earlier in the day.

Took a Piccadilly Line train to Holborn where I changed to a Central Line train to Lancaster Gate station.

Exited, turned left and walked over to the Victoria Paddington pub on Strathearn Place. Had a pint. Walked back in the dark ( LOL cuz it was only 5pm) to my accommodation.

Uploaded Instagram pics until Instagram prevented from adding others. Those will be uploaded during breakfast tomorrow.

No formal plans tomorrow. Might sleep in. Might not.

A friend has asked if want to go to dinner with him.
Might. Might not. I see him for theatre next week.

Have discovered a newly opened sushi bar nearby and thinking I’ll go there solo. I like trying restaurants, cafes, pubs that are near where I stay.

Reviewing my “What to See, “ list.

Only 7:27pm and my eyelids are heavy. Forcing myself to stay awake till 9pm.

The adventure continues tomorrow.

EDIT: Need help. Supposed to meet up with a Forum Member ( other than Nigel who I saw today) but can’t find name or email. Sad but true…. So shout out to me!

Posted by
4867 posts

We're seriously thinking about a week in London mid-November next year. If you can fit it into your report I'd be interested in weather and must-see Christmas light spots.

Posted by
608 posts

So glad you are back Claudia! We loved your recommendation of the Victoria Paddington pub. We each had a Roasted Chickpea and Hummus salad with our pint and it was one of the best meals we had all week. So good and the atmosphere was, too.

Posted by
9447 posts

Alan, today wore Levi’s, lightweight turtle neck and my Amazon men’s raincoat that I got years ago. Mens because no one can tell as buttons are covered and because it has more pockets.

I’ll see what Xmas lights are up. Suspect Oxford and Regents street are already on. Can tell you right now to look at the Kew Gardens website. Tickets go on sale for the tickets early ( august? ). Gorgeous presentation but tix are very very popular.

Not chilly, not warm. Typical November temps.

As I type this at 10:10pm it’s 48 outside.

Mustlovedogs, glad you liked the Victoria Paddington. First night had some perfectly battered calamari there! Excellent choice.

Staying close by so won’t be last visit or meal from there. Good food, pleasant staff and ambiance can’t be beat.

Posted by
1165 posts

Happened up Victoria Paddington Pub ten years ago. Loved it! As did our then 17 year old son who could enjoy a pint with his meal.

Posted by
2719 posts

I think a trip to London at this time of year sounds perfect--August was too warm for my liking. Can't wait to hear how your trip goes--you always find interesting things to do or eat.

I found the Victoria Paddington a few years ago when I was staying on Queen's Gardens near Paddington station...had a wonderful meal in the cozy upstairs dining room, with an enormous pint of hard cider. Left feeling a wee bit tipsy but also quite certain I knew which way to head to get on Craven Rd that would lead me back to the hotel. Darkness fell and still I wandered, somehow ending all the way up on Edgware Road...surreptitiously consulted map...then a police officer...then saw a sign for the station and realized which way to go at last.

Posted by
9447 posts

Christa on my after dark walking travels I always appreciate that I inherited a keen sense of direction.

Very helpful as a Location Manager especially pre computer days when I had to hand draw maps for cast and crew to get to location. Especially if we were filming in downtown LA. Always amazed how many people who lived in “ the Valley,” or in Santa Monica or E LA or in Long Beach or in Santa Clarita who had NEVER been to DTLA.

One time we were filming at City Hall, the most iconic of downtown buildings. This was way before Grand Park was built over parking lots that were across the street from City Hall.

I was standing at the entrance of the parking lot which was well signed. This guy in a beat up Mazda drove past 3 times before he finally pulled into the lot. He rolled down his window and asked me “ is the crew parking for The Pretender?” I replied, “ Get out of the car!” He did. “ I said “turn around.” He did. As I pointed I firmly said “ see that, that’s City Hall…been there since 1928!”

Posted by
958 posts

Went to the Tortilla restaurant at St Pancras station.

I kept coming across Tortilla locations. One not to far from my hotel in Manchester and the one in Manchester Piccadilly Station. The location at Eustion, the Leadenhall and Camden. I just couldn't convince myself to go in.

Posted by
9447 posts

Mustlovedogs, happy I’m back as well. London makes me happy.

Off tomorrow to explore Barbican Plaza, somewhere I’ve never been.

VAP, Tortilla was fine. Tasty Chicken Quesadilla.
Was it as good as the carne asada tacos I get at the Yuca Hut in Hollywood? No, but nothing is as good as those are.

It’s after midnight. Was nodding off but West coast friends who tend to forgot the time difference woke me up. Was okay as after we texted I found an old Inspector George Gently on the telly. Huge Martin Shaw fan. Had seen the episode but like at home with Law and Order episodes you rewatch.

Now shutting off phone. What a concept!

12:30pm. Night night

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9447 posts

Tis 7:10am. I’m awake.

Awoke to the clip clop of horse hooves. I was bemused. My room, 206, faces Bayswater Road. The windows are double glazed. Traffic noise defused but if people walk by chatting you can hear their conversation. Anyway glanced out to see at least 9 riders. If memory serves stables in Hyde Park are down the road. You can rent horses there.

Already went down to the basement dining room. Not for coffee but to find the desk clerk. Front desk is open 24 hours but I could see the guy on the video monitor was in the breakfast room. . Took the elevator down, scared the guy. Told him I needed my kit. He ran back up the stairs, I took the elevator.

Needed to retrieve my insulin kit which they’d stored in the small refrigerator they have behind the check in desk.

I had misremembered and thought rooms had small refrigerators. My mistake.

Sun has risen…well there’s light, no sunshine. Typical cloudy grey ambiance.

Going to try and add more pics on my Instagram account.

Maybe fall back asleep. Maybe. Didn’t work.

I can tell this is going to be a slug day.

Threw on clothes, shoes and headed out the door.

Ages ago there used to be a tiny market about 150 yards from 63. Sadly, it closed. So I had to head back towards Paddington where there is a small market. Needed toothpaste. Got it and found myself dodging school children and mums as I slowly ( think of the Walking Dead) made my way back to 63.

Went downstairs to the basement dining area. Had wheat toast. Didn’t like the look of the prepackaged bottle of milk so passed on having Rice Krispies. TV news was on. Gee, who would have guessed the US Presidential election would be the topic of discussion?! Forgive the sarcasm.

Back in my room, back in my jammies. I need sleep.

Total sloth day.

Posted by
147 posts

Claudia- it’s great to hear that you’re in London and staying at Hotel 63. Thanks to your recommendations this past June was the third time I stayed at Hotel 63, and 206 was my room all three times. I hope you have the pleasure of meeting Sam at reception. He was always so kind. It was nice to see a familiar face.

I’m looking forward to reading more about your trip. Definitely bookmarking it for future reference. Heading back again June and can’t wait.


Posted by
9447 posts

Wasn’t a complete sloth day. Did shower and did get out. Ambled along the Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Walk in Hyde Park. Noticed the end of the Horseguards Parade. Those bright red coats and shiny helmets are easily spotted from afar. Got through the park and made my way to Harrods. No real reason other than I wanted to visit the Food Halls. Moment I walked in I regretted it. Crowded is an understatement. Alas, was saddened to discover there is no longer an area with tables and chairs. So my thought of a piece of cake and pot of tea was dashed. Hungry I grabbed a freshly made Chicken Coronation chicken wrap (£7) and small Coke. Queue’d, paid, and escaped out the “ back door.” One not easily found by zig zagging through the make up and perfume department.

It was a very tasty sandwich. I’d get another any day.
Found a window still ledge to sit on and devoured 1/2 of the wrap.. Placed the other half into a pocket of my puffer vest.

Sated walked over to Knightsbridge Station. Rode 2 tube trains to return to Lancaster Gate. Neither train especially crowded. Secured a seat on each.

Doubled checked that my insulin kit was still behind the front desk in their tiny fridge. Was informed it had been moved to the larger fridge in the staff room. Was okay with that.

When I go downstairs early tomorrow I’ll either be happy or create a ruckus. Hopeful the young man who said it was safe in the staff refrigerator won’t be proven wrong and will retrieve it for me while I have breakfast.

It’s after midnight . Lords Mayor Parade is tomorrow.

Looking forward to tubing to Mansion House or Black Friars and watching all the participants preparing themselves. Horses getting saddled and brushed, band members tuning their instruments, etc. To be honest I never watch the parade, merely enjoy the “ behind the scenes,” moments. Love snapping and posting pictures on my Instagram.

I’ll then had to Spitalfields seeking Christmas Cards.

Guess I need to turn off bedside lamp. Nearly 1am.

Posted by
9447 posts

Slept just okay. Tis what it is. Because I have to move to another room I packed everything before I went to bed. Showered. Great hot water. Then watched a venerable Columbo before I dosed off.

Up at 7am. Checked iphone for messages. Rechecked bedside table drawers. Didn’t want to forget anything, like a phone charger.

Went down to breakfast. Toast, OJ and weak coffee.

Out the door heading to Mansion House and the Lord Mayors Show….

To be continued…

Posted by
9447 posts

Lord Mayor’s Show prep provided opportunities for iPhone photos. Culled and posted on my Instagram. Pleasant bowl of soup at the Mitre Lancaster Gate pub. I’ve been a pub grub diner for decades.

Texted back and forth setting up a lunch next week with a friend. They’ll be traveling in from Wandsworth.

Tomorrow my “ calendar “ is open. Most likely I’ll start off with a stroll in Hyde Park or Kensington Gardens. Maybe tube to Pimlico. Or Highgate. Or to Battersea Park….who knows?

Posted by
9447 posts

It’s 5pm Sunday evening. Back in my room in my jammies. Sipping some decaf Earl Grey. Ate a nice and pricey Sunday Roast at The Mitre Lancaster Gate. Its my local when I stay at 63. Far better staff and clientele than the nearby Swan pub. Short stroll to the Mitre. Still figuring out where I’m staying after Wednesday. The search continues.

Today’s big accomplishment was to buy a pair of tweezers at the Boots in Paddington Station. Simple 4 block walk. Had an expresso and a pastry at the Cafe Nero on Craven Road. Had also had coffee with my toast at 63 but was feeling sluggish.

Today I left my luggage in storage as I was moving from 102 back to 206. Here until mid week.

My stamina is poor. Not my legs but my back. Unsure if the pain between my shoulder blades is my poor posture or my heart. No other heart symptoms so diagnosis is my posture.

BTW wanted to advise any others travelers who are diabetic that the staff here has been stellar. They keep my insulin kit in their staff refrigerator. I retrieve it in the morning, use the 1st floor restroom to inject myself and return my kit to the front desk staff. All good.

Tomorrow is Christmas card shopping day. Rapture.
Probably Spitalfields. Open at 8am but I’m in no rush to get there. Easy peasy 1/2 hour straight shot on the Central Line from Lancaster Gate.

Contacted the woman that owned the first AirBnb I stayed at years ago. We are meeting up on Tuesday for lunch. I choose the classic River Cafe by Hurlingham Books. Weather permitting I’ll then stroll along the river path passing Fulham Palace up to Hammersmith and tube back to 63. I will have tubed on a District Line train from Paddington to Putney Bridge ro get to the River Cafe.

EDIT: Todays Weather Report for Allan. Was early 50’s. Had on my raincoat cuz the was some slight, very slight drizzle early in the day.

Posted by
34687 posts

enjoy what passes for sunshine tomorrow!! First non-grey day in a long time!!

Posted by
4867 posts

Todays Weather Report for Allan. Was early 50’s.

Thanks Claudia.

Posted by
9447 posts

Stayed in bed till 7:15am. Dressed. Took elevator to the basement where the dining room is. Only soul there. Loud TV on. News caster blathering on about the US reelection of you know who and what it means to the UK and the world.

Quickly ate my buttered wheat toast and a banana. Grab a tangerine for later. Took my coffee upstairs to the lobby sitting area. WiFi is strong there. Not so much in my room, 206. Read emails. Returned to room, brushed teeth, combed hair and headed out.

A free to wander day but first at trip to Paddington station and the Boots pharmacy store. Seems I have a nasal infection. Pharmacist advised I needed to head to the nearby St Marys Hospital. Any nasal antibiotic needs to be prescribed by physician. Sigh.

Now sipping a hot black ( they always say Americano when you order it this way) coffee at FCB upstairs in the Paddington shopping center.

Bolstered with caffeine I’m off to the ER. Dang.

Posted by
1587 posts

Claudia I would search for a private GP rather than try a&e which is always very very busy. A GP will issue a prescription and there a lot of private options on London for a moderate cost.

Posted by
9447 posts

Thanks Helen but the wait wasn’t horrific. You forget I live in LA…One Friday evening around 5pm after a blood draw early that morning at the Bob Hope Health Clinic i get a call from the Dr who says “ you need to get to UCLA Santa Monica Hospital Emergency NOW!”

I live in Hollywood. SM is 20 miles away. Its LA, it’s traffic hell. 2.5 hours later I walk into ER and said “ I’m here under the order of Dr ___. “ No one has heard of him. I ask them to call his office.” We don’t do that, take a seat.”

Stressed I try calling him. All folks who worked in
‘The Biz, “ have no cost access to UCLA run hospitals.

Long long story short I was In that ER waiting till 2am in the morning. Dr’s find nothing wrong with my ticker but they keep me to run more tests. At 9am I drive home, livid.

Takes 48 hours for him to respond to messages.

His answer to why he sent me there instead of Cedar Sinai or to the closer UCLA hospital in Burbank.

“ well i think there are better Dr’s in Santa Monica.”

Funny how he is no longer part of the Motion Picture Health network.

Anyway, saw a pleasant Dr at St Marys. Got a prescription that was quickly filled at the hospital pharmacy.

On the way back walked along the canal path, went into Paddington Station and grabbed my favorite Pret sandwich, a tuna and cucumber on wheat. Then headed back to my hotel.

Got back. Applied the medication as instructed.

Grabbed my sandwich and back out the door to sit on a bench near the Serpentine in Hyde Park. Mid 50’s, grey with sun. Nice respite. Checks now rosy.

To write this I’m seated on the couch in the lobby. Nice and quiet. No TV on and the desk person has something playing Sinatra and Dino. Can’t get better than that!

My checks are rosy after sitting in the park and the pain from the nasal infection has ebbed.

Life is good. I’m thinking a nap.

Posted by
3717 posts

I always enjoy the “on the go every day” trip diaries…..thanks, Claudia!
Hope your nose is better.

Posted by
9447 posts


Nose remains an issue. Not happy about it. Staying patient to see if the antibiotic cream solves the issue.

Been in my room dealing with the discomfort.

Enjoyed watching a rerun of Downtown Abbey. Such a great show.

Now, oddly there’s an Alfred Hitchcock with Peter Falk.

Here’s hoping the antibiotic cream solves the issue.

Posted by
608 posts

Claudia so sorry to hear you are dealing with a nasal infection. Glad you got some meds. Have you tried using steam to help break things up? Being in a hotel you’re limited, but if you could, get the shower high warm / hot and then soak a towel. Hold it over your head by making a tent over your nose/face over the sink. Don’t get it too hot to burn your nostrils, but breathe normally in and out. Might want to repeat it a couple times. Helps dissolves the mucus and the heat helps kill the bacteria.

Love reading your posts. Did you find Christmas cards at Spitalfields? We saw some good ones, but I had already bought ours at the V &A. Thanks for taking the time to report on your trip!

Posted by
9447 posts

Mustlovedogs, never got to Spitalfields. I will just didn’t make it today.

Posted by
703 posts

I'll be there in a few weeks and can't wait to see the holiday lights! Reading about the crowd in Harrods makes me feel edgy, but I suppose we'll push on through since it might be the one and only time my family will visit London.

Posted by
3977 posts

I hope you're feeling better today.
Hopefully the meds you've been given will clear this up.

Rest and lots of hot tea should help this, hopefully.
Best wishes, Rebecca

Posted by
8814 posts

Claudia, I'm enjoying your report but was sorry to hear that you've had a run of bad health luck. Hopefully everything will clear up soon. Enjoy your trip!

Posted by
10549 posts

Hi Claudia, I am hoping that your nasal infection is getting better and that you are getting the rest you need.

Posted by
9447 posts

Thanks for your good wishes folks. Appreciate the concern.

Still clogged but Dr insisted not to blow so applied the antibiotic cream, massaged the nostril from the outside. Went to bed. Given I walked from Putney Bridge along the Thames Path to Imperial Wharf the blockage isn’t impeding my enjoyment. Just a wee bit of discomfort.

Had met a friend at the old school River Cafe by Putney Bridge Station then headed out to the river path to enjoy the sun whilst taking iPhone pics. My energy level waned as darkness fell so hopped on a train train at Imperial Wharf. Used my Oyster card. Exited at Shepards Bush, crossed the road to the Underground Station and took a Central Line train to Lancaster Gate. The grey hair helped as a nice young man insisted I take his seat. I gave in and sat down. After the walk felt good to sit.

Got out at Lancaster Gate, went to 63 to freshen up and headed out to my local, the Mitre. Pint of the dark stuff and a plate of perfectly prepared calamari.
Then grabbed a bottled water and a snickers at the small family run market across the road and walked back to 63.

Slept well.

Had breakfast, packed, and said goodbye to 63. FYI they won’t call a cab for you. So I went out the front door, down the stairs with my roller bag wearing my back pack, walked 30 feet to the corner of the alley and Bayswater rd.

Raised my hand to the cabbie with the yellow light atop his cab. Wonderful driver who’d been doing it for 26 years. Nice chat. Tipped him well for no other reason than I enjoyed our conversation.

Seated in the lobby of my new digs. No plans today except moving in. Will then unpack and go grocery shopping. Back to apartment to shower and wash my hair. Oh the excitement. Whole new experience staying in a long stay apartment while traveling.

Tomorrow is the matinee of Giant with John Lithgow in the lead.

Posted by
608 posts

Sounds like you are carrying on despite the ole proboscis trying to impede you! Hard to keep a good woman down :)

I had to smile when I saw your comment about being offered a seat on the tube by a younger one. I still dye my hair, but the crows feet and other assorted wrinkles- hopefully from smiling a lot through my life, I am going with that- caused a seat offer to happen a couple times. At first my vanity was a bit wounded, but as the week went on… it was like yes, please! Lol

Hope you love your long stay place and John Lithgow! He is one of mine and my husband’s favorites.

Keep getting better!

Posted by
34687 posts

onward and upward - ready for the lowdown on the new digs

Posted by
3536 posts

I am really enjoying your trip report. I stayed at the Thistle Lancaster Gate in 2000 - no telling what it is now, and I very much enjoyed that location.

Posted by
9447 posts

Long exhausting day which began with a before dawn taxi ride to St Bartholomew Hospital only to discover they had no ER ( or A&E)….

It’s 9pm and I’m exhausted physically and mentally.

I promise a lengthy addition to my trip report tomorrow.

Good cheer!

Posted by
197 posts

Oh no, Claudia! I hope you are able to sleep well tonight and the rest of your stay will be much healthier. Take care.

Posted by
3394 posts

Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry this is happening to you! Hope you feel better soon. I love your report otherwise!.

Posted by
9447 posts

And she’s back. Alive but a bit crabby.

Medical issue continues. I’ve developed a nasal infection. Right side of nose is swollen and painful. Think WC Fields.

Can breathe but it’s painful. If you suffer sinus issues you’ll get the gist.

2 hospital visits later picked up my new prescription.

FYI you must have a DR. prescribe antibiotics.

Second FYI not all hospitals have ER’s ( aka A&E’s).

Was a bit disconcerting when accommodation staff recommended St Bartholomew Hospital. Had to cab. Get there NO A&E.

Didn’t want my nose and head to explode so walked out, walked 2blocks and hailed a cab. One might ask why didn’t staff at the reception desk try to secure one. Guy behind desk just pointed to a phone on the far wall. Wait for it….no dial tone. Tried thrice. Zilch.

I figured if anyone knows where an A & E is located a cab driver who has been doing it for 26 years does. He did. Royal London Hospital in WhiteChapel. Nice chat, nice ride, better tip.

Only an hour wait. Nice Dr. New stronger medications. Pills and creme. Said first cream I was prescribed was worthless and thus why no improvement. Have started the pills ( 3 times a day) .

Just notified creme a nearby Boots pharmacy is available. They had to order it.

I’ll go after lunch. Haven’t showered.

The play GIANT with Lithgow was intriguing. He is a tall man so added to his non fictional character’s stature . Premise was interesting, length over 2 hours with an interval. Stellar seats. First balcony seats B6 & B7. Research Ronald Dahl. Yes, the author of James and the Peach, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Someone is knocking on my door…..I’ll continue the saga shortly

Posted by
9447 posts

Guy at the door was replenishing water bottles I’d asked for. That’s part of the room cost and service. If you want the name so you can peruse their website PM.

Upfront let me say, it’s NOT an RS type location accommodation. It’s a residence apartment. Inexpensive is not an adjective I would use. I decide to splurge this trip and I have.

Okay, it’s noon. Time for 2nd pill…

More later about the Barbican Center I meandered about yesterday following the hospital blunders.

Posted by
1587 posts

LOLing at Claudia expecting an NHS receptionist to call her a cab.

The new drugs will hopefully work. Also typical of the NHS to send you out the door with the least effective treatment first. I’m surprised they didn’t just tell you take paracetamol which is the usual answer for every malady!

Posted by
9447 posts

Allan haven’t forgot you. Haven’t been out to see the well known Christmas Lights on Oxford and Regents Streets but will say there are some nice lights along
Kingsway Road. If you were to venture there, look on Google for Holborn Station. That is where you’d tube to if you wanted to visit the Sir John Soane’s Museum.

Posted by
608 posts

Ugh, Claudia. You’ve really been going through it this trip. I’m so sorry. But, now that you are on the strong stuff - especially the pills- you will begin to see a big improvement. It’s terrible that your accommodation rep didn’t know about an A & E location. I would think that’s a type of reference that should be pretty important for them to share accurately. Not good on their part.

I read a review about Giant in The Guardian. The reviewer said this director took Dahl’s dark and controversial beliefs head on as compared to other presentations.

Hope the next few days will be brighter and clearer! Nose included!

Posted by
1473 posts

Such a bummer having to go all the way over to Bart's only to find no A&E. Disappointing that folks that gave you that info were misinformed. St Thomas' Hospital, just south of Westminster Bridge, would be your main A&E for central London. Guy's Hospital at London Bridge is another large hospital with no A&E. Royal London is quite some way from "home" if you're staying near Kingsway.

Hope today is a big improvement with the new meds.

Posted by
1587 posts

The thing is that the staff in a central hotel will all live a long way from Zone 1 London so will have no personal dealings with central London hospitals unless they were very ill and referred there. It’s not really surprising that they wouldn’t know which hospitals have a&e facilities.

Getting staff to work these low paid jobs in London is not easy. Best not to expect too much in my experience.

Posted by
608 posts

Helen, maybe I am being naive, but given the fact that what you are reporting is true about the staff’s unfamiliarity with the medical services in the area (and it is a really important point- thanks for bringing it up) I would think that upper management would make sure there is a list of care facilities- (that includes what services are offered) for them to refer their guests to. Certainly wouldn’t be hard to come up with. We see these type lists in a welcome binder in most of the rental homes we use in the summer: nearest pharmacy, nearest “doc in a box”, nearest hospital, etc.

Maybe it is something that should be addressed for the future at this hotel/ residence inn in the future so others don’t have to go through what Claudia did.

Posted by
1587 posts

I think they just assume everyone uses Google to find things out these days.

A useful number to know is 101 which is the NHS non emergency phone number. They will advise where to go for further treatment. It should be noted that foreign citizens are not entitled to free treatment on the NHS but in reality there is no easy way to bill for minor treatment like Claudia received.

Posted by
9447 posts

I’m old school so I remain surprised hotel staff didn’t have a clue about an A & E.

All over now but did mention it to management.

Got more powerful antibiotic pills from Boots last night. To take 3 times a day. 2nd part of prescription had to be ordered. Picked up earlier ( 3:30pm ) and when I got back to room instructions learned it’s an acne creme. Heavy sigh.

Said, “ I’m done,” repackaged it and will return it tomorrow. I have no medical training but what does acne cream have to do with a nasal infection? Especially when instructions say external use only.

Went to Wagamamas for my late afternoon meal. As usual yummy. 1/2 block from my accommodation.

Early night.

Posted by
1473 posts

Topical antibiotics are used in the treatment of acne. I think you have actually got the right stuff.

Posted by
1587 posts

Just chuck it in the bin and save your legs. Boots won’t take it back even if unopened and they won’t give you anything different without a new prescription. Honestly I would just pay the £50 or £100 and see a private GP if you need further treatment.

Posted by
9447 posts

Helen just thought i should at least ask the pharmacist if there might be an over the counter nasal spray that might be helpful.

EDIT: done talking about this

Posted by
9008 posts

A useful number to know is 101 which is the NHS non emergency phone number

For anyone else 101 is the Police Non Emergency number, 111 is the NHS Non Emergency Number

Posted by
3977 posts

Claudia, I hope things are rapidly improving for you now that you are taking the antibiotic pills!

Visitors to London might want to remember that St. Thomas Hospital
is right there by Westminster Bridge, across the river from Big Ben.
(There's a large neon sign at night visible from across the bridge
with the name in large letters.) Two large buildings right next to one another, both St Thomas. They have an emergency room and a trauma center.

After the terrorist incident on the bridge years ago (in 2017), the victims were taken to that hospital and
it was prominently featured on BBC coverage.

At the time, I vowed to remember that hospital's name and location, in case I ever need it while in London.

Posted by
9447 posts

Saturday morning. Slept in.

Enjoying my Earl Grey tea.

No plans, no must sees.

Once awake and dressed I’ll wander through Lincoln Inn Fields and decide where to go.

Still haven’t bought Christmas Cards so that might be a goal.

Do know I need more Kleenex packs so I’ll grab at Boots at the end of today’s journey.

EDIT: Have decided to visit the Hackney Flea Market
EDIT 2: Not doing flea market. Off to Spitalfields after I finish the black coffee I’m drinking at the Costa Coffee on Long Acre by Covent Garden.

PS: Antibiotics working

Posted by
34687 posts

Good advice, Rebecca (edit - the advice on St Thomas's seems to have gone)

I stopped in to St Thomas's recently for a pit stop before searching for my uncle's heart on the National Covid Memorial Wall below the hospital on the Albert Embankment ((between Westminster Bridge and Lambeth Palace).

Costa coffee has got the the little coffee shop just inside the main doors. Pleasant staff at the hospital help desk.

St Thomas's has a nice multilevel (mostly wheelchair accessible) garden with lots of quiet places for reflection and rest between the main entrance and Westminster Bridge.

Tucked away in the corner nearest the bridge and the river is a small square suicide memorial and reflection garden which I found very special and helpful. I left something to remember the lad.

Posted by
9447 posts

Turns out I ignored Spitalfields and made my way via the tube to Finsbury Park. No reason other than I thought I’d like to stroll along the Parkland Walk.

Loads of friendly dogs off leash saying hello and “ do you have treats?” A couple of the 4 legged beasts amused me with their “squirrel” postures.

Left the trail in Crouch End and found The Blue Owl Cafe where I devoured a large breakfast. Coffee was great. Staff attentive. No need to eat again today.

Sated headed off to the tube station. Bit of a jaunt so popped into a pub where a record album sale was taking place.

Had 1/2 pint of the black stuff to ease the knot between my shoulder blades. Years of poor posture have taken their toll.

Refreshed and replenished headed out the door and passed a charity shop where there were boxes of Christmas Cards in a spinning kiosk.

Perused and purchased a box! Happy Christmas.

Got my apartment/hotel reservation settled. They’d requested week to week and I said “ no, let’s book till I leave for the states.” All good.

Only 5:30pm and I’m ready to nod off. Not going to. Will upload to my Instagram.

EDIT: On Sunday thinking of visiting the Chiswick Cheese Market.

Posted by
34687 posts

Chiswick Cheese Market

That's a new one on me. Enjoy the sunshine.

Posted by
9447 posts

Changed my mind and returned to a favorite spot, Mari’s Deli and Dining. It’s near Chiswick .

Necessitated me walking to Temple Station and boarding a District Line to Stamford Brook.

There was an interesting art exhibit on the roof of Temple Station. Presented by COLAB it was titled Mary Mary.

Easy uncrowded tube ride. From Stamford Brook Station it was a 20 minute residential walk to Mari’s. Just as good as I remember it. Filling breakfast. Sat for over an hour. Enjoying a 2nd cup of great coffee.

Caffeinated I was off to the Thames Path. You first stroll on the Chiswick Mall then veer right at the Black Lion and hit the Thames Path. That you can follow to Hammersmith and beyond. Sun was out and I enjoyed the mile walk from Mari’s to the Hammersmith Station. Lots of rowers out. Enjoyed watching and listening to coxswains encouraging the male and female crews.

Hopped on a Piccadilly Line train headed to Cockfosters and rode it 11 stops to Holborn. Wandered about. Stopped in a Waitross. More food staples, then walked back to my apartment building. I ambled into Lincoln Inn Fields park which is directly across the road. Sat on a bench and enjoyed the sunshine and all the dogs.

Not even 4pm and I’m in my jammies. Have posted numerous iphone pics on my instagram.

Need to pop some Aleve. Old bones and muscles demand it!

Tomorrow seeing Book of Mormon.

EDIT: Dinner will be at Brassiere Zedel. Specifically going not for the food but for the architecture. Tis true.

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9447 posts

Rained last night. For me a pleasure. Love hearing rainfall.

Slept in.

Book of Mormon was satirical and irreverent. My type of humor. Terrific cast.

We had excellent seats. 1st balcony 4th row aisle seats.

Had made reservations to have dinner before the show. Went to the impressive Zedel’s which was a 10 minute walk away from Piccadilly Circus. Got a good workout avoiding tourists wielding umbrellas trying to take pictures with phones and cameras.

Zedel’s is a gorgeous art deco establishment. Famous for its food and ambience. It’s pricey.
Not a place Rick would choose to mention in the guidebook.

Vegetarians please skip the next paragraph.

My beef bourguignon was outstanding. The creme brûlée the best I’ve had. Rick devoured his plate of calves liver. He also enjoyed an endive salad. He had something with cherries for dessert. We so enjoyed our desserts we lost track of time. Thankfully our waiter who knew we were going to the show caught my eye and pointed at his watch. We paid and scurried off to the Prince of Wales Theatre.

For a special evening Zedel’s can’t be beat. We intend to return to enjoy the well known American Bar which is before the doors into Zedel’s. Rick doesn’t drink but we’ll sit so I can have a cocktail. Might order a Smith and Currans to see how knowledgeable the bartenders are. Might.

We parted at the maze of the Piccadilly Underground Station. My ride was 2 stops. His a 40 minute ride to Crouch End and I think a short bus ride to his home.

Today is a lounge day. The Hunterian Museum is a 5 minute walk away. Stopped there yesterday only to find it closed. Closed on Sundays and Mondays. Otherwise open 10 to 5. Pondering if I want to go or rest. If there are a large number of buses parked on the street the decision will have been made for me.

Going to arrange to have my laundry either today or tomorrow. The pleasure of staying in a full service apartment.

Have dilly dallied enough. Nearly 10:30am.

Let’s roll!

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9447 posts

Very pleased to be crud free. Thanks for the portrait gallery intel.

Hunterian Museum was fascinating. Really well done.

No school children. In fact only 3 or 4 other people there.

Pleasant cafe. Two men in business suits seated conversing. So just the 3 of us until they departed. Then I had the place to myself. Good coffee. Also had the sweetest tangerine. Nice respite from the rainfall. I highly recommend this museum and cafe. You don’t need to go the museum to enjoy the cafe. There’s a sliding glass door entrance off of Portugal Street.

Thought I’d have a pub lunch. Hoping for a stew or soup. Stopped in the splendid George IV only to discover just a boozer. Had a 1/2 pint, uploaded pics to my Instagram. WhatsApp’d with Nigel. He’s the one who informed me of snowfall and forwarded pictures.

Will get my laundry done tomorrow. Drop off bag at front before at 9am, returned same day. My kinda service.

Theatre that night.

I have a microwave in the apartment and will use it to heat up my pasta dish.

Enjoying my lengthy stay and hopeful other Forum members are appreciating my trip report.

EDIT: Microwave did its job. The pasta dish very tasty.
EDIT: is it bad to be watching Law & Order while staying here?

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3717 posts

Absolute enjoying seeing London with you and glad you are almost back up to speed health wise.
I was just getting ready this time last year for my London visit, so I’m wishing I was doing the same this year!

Posted by
1473 posts

Well done for getting out this morning. The weather was absolutely miserable. I was quite surprised to see a few minutes of big wet snowflakes this morning. The cat didn't know what to make of it at all. I opened the back door for him after breakfast and he sat miaowing at me as if the weather was my fault. I was down London Bridge way earlier, and you can always tell when the weather is rubbish when The Shard disappears into the cloud about halfway up.

Posted by
197 posts

Great to see you are feeling better Claudia! Enjoying the vicarious visit to London!

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9447 posts

Thanks folks. It’s great to feel normal. Smart that I’m not pushing myself. If I tire I find a cafe, a bench, or a pub. I sit. Have a coffee, a meal or a pint.

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9008 posts

As always it depends where you are, my part of the Lake District hasn't seen it, not even ice so far. Nor have I seen reports of any snow in more central parts of the Lake District. We were meant to get hit but the system moved east and south.

I've had to cancel a trip to Manchester today due to reported snow down there and flooding of the railway due to a burst water main (possibly caused by the cold weather) which caused merry mayhem.

The open top buses have been out as normal today around Keswick and Windermere!

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9447 posts

Bitter, bitter cold outside. Blue skies though. Walked out without gloves and slouchie. Not bright.

Hurried to the Pret a Manger across from the Peacock Theatre for a slice of lemon cake and cappuccino. Warm enough ventured to the Royal Court of Justice. Thought I’d watch a trial. Meandered the halls looking for a court proceeding that might interest me. I wavered and as I didn’t sleep all that well decided to leave. Returned to the room after taking some iphone pics.

Left some laundry at the front desk to be washed and returned tonight. Hopeful as my PJ’s were included.

Some of you might think I’m wasting too much time in my apartment. I’m not. At least that’s my POV.
I’m not a museum fan, not a big art lover, definitely not a shopper and I’ve been to and stayed here on numerous occasions. I like wandering when I travel. Although many of the old school nooks and crannies have disappeared I can still find intriguing spots: hidden gardens, small cafes, etc.

Going to nap.

Then a late lunch / early dinner ( pub grub ) at the grand Princess Louise pub. 10-15 minute walk away. Walk a block back to the Holborn tube and a 15 minute ride to the busy Leicester Square station. Wyndham theatre is close by.

I’ll review dinner and the Mark Strong/Leslie Manville play Oepidus in a separate post.

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9447 posts

Well there will be no review. Not going to the play.
Prefer not to say why.

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9447 posts

Fell asleep early. It’s now 3am. Woke an hour ago. Been catching up on news.

Yesterday involved visiting bookstores, 2 pubs; for a 1/2 pint and ambience, the other for an “American Cheeseburger.” Wasn’t In n Out but it was good.

Passed on the play I was supposed to attend. Discovered it was 2 hours long without an interval. Luckily my friend had a neighbor who was thrilled to be able to go.

Had a great laugh today. Paid to have my wash done. My PJ’s are a light weight sweatshirt and sweatpants. There was a knock on my apartment door and a nice man handed me both on separate hangers in plastic bags….just like you’d get at your neighbors cleaners. Had to pay for the service. Again, not cheap. Didn’t care.

Off to meet up with GerryM today for lunch. Guess I should turn off the light and get some more sleep.

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1473 posts

Good to see Claudia this afternoon. We met at Mess Cafe in Hackney and had a cheeky half at The Cat and Mutton at Broadway Market after a little walk across London Fields. Had a full English breakfast at Mess Cafe and it was great. Really a cut above your average full English.

Posted by
608 posts

Claudia, you’ve arrived! Look at you and your “posh PJs” :)!

Have you had the really cold temperatures when you went years before in November?

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9447 posts

Lovely meet up in Hackney with GerryM yesterday.

Very good breakfast at the Mess Cafe. Then a pleasant stroll around.

Loved the street art and the diversity of the populous. The Cat and Mutton pub was gorgeous. I shared with Gerry that my former locations scout eye would have offered it a filming possibility if a script called for a traditional English pub in an outlaying London suburb.

Only other patrons were a small family with a well behaved 2 year old.

For first time London travelers who seek to experience a real London neighborhood consider visiting Hackney.

From my location in Holborn it was Underground and Overground journey. From Holborn took an Underground Central line train to Liverpool Street station ( busy and massive ). Then boarded an Overground train to Hackney Downs. The cafe was a few 100 feet away.

Throughly enjoyed the meet up. Plan another in the week ahead.

Need more coffee ( Nepresso coffemaker in the room is worthless IMHO). Close-by is Redemption Roasters. Time to check it out! If too crowded there’s always Costa Coffee.

Posh PJ’s???? Well worn Sports Illustrated sweatshirt that was free for subscribing to Sports Illustrated when Bill was alive and some light weight sweat pants from Target. Those posh PJ’s?

Posted by
608 posts

Guess my attempt at a bit of humor as you mentioned your pajamas coming back like dry cleaning (all nicely prettified in nice plastic wrapping) did not make the cut. Ah well…

Hope you continue to enjoy your trip!

Posted by
966 posts

Long plays without intermissions are one of my pet peeves. So annoying! Enjoy the rest of your trip.

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9447 posts

Yup missed the humor regarding the PJ’s. Slow on the uptake.

Today’s travel and roam about was Canary Wharf.
History of this area is fascinating. Lots of iPhone pictures.

Once I tubed “ home “ hit the Sainsbury for some food. Salted cashews, ceasar salad, pasta dishes, and more Oreos. Love having a fridge and microwave in the apartment.

Unsure what’s on my agenda for tomorrow.

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1473 posts

Since we were in London Fields yesterday, it brought to mind the novel of the same name.

London Fields by Martin Amis was published in 1989. I think I had read it before I first visited Hackney in the early 90's and discovered it was a real place. It's really dark stuff; truly awful main protagonists and lots of it is in really bad taste if you're easily offended. Reading the synopsis on Wikipedia makes it sound terrible. If you enjoyed Brett Easton Ellis back in the day, you might like this. I'd recommend picking up a copy for a few bucks used if you can find it. Here's a Wikipedia link which ties it (or not) with the actual London Fields. It's not an easy read but the prose and storytelling is fantastic.

Another (possibly apocryphal) tale of London Fields centres around Throbbing Gristle and Genesis P. Orridge. TG had their studio in Martello Street and lived in a squat in Beck Road. Supposedly they played low frequency subsonic sound (the "brown note", named because it makes you... ahem you know what) day and night across London Fields in an attempt to drive off the travellers that had set up there. I don't know if this is true but it sounds like something they may have cooked up in that time around the late 70's / early 80's they were living and working there.

On a related note, you never see any Irish travellers around Hackney at all these days. I remember even 20 years ago there being a few folk around from that community. London Fields was a regular place where they'd pull up years ago I believe.

It's Claudia's shout for lunch in central London next week. I had mentioned Bar Italia. It's ten years or more since I was there, but it strikes me a place that has remained a fairly authentic nugget of "old Soho" still. We're not not interested in sitting down for three courses I don't think, but I'd certainly be interested in suggestions from the forum if Claudia would.

ETA: Claudia, the Japanese wave painting is The Great Wave off Kanagawa. If you follow Claudia's Instagram you may see her photo of a version of said painting, hopefully juxtaposed with an omnipresent "10 FOOT" tag in Hackney fashion.

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608 posts

One of our favorite new things we did this past time was go to a big Sainsbury’s and not just a local. Good friend of mine from church who is a Brit - from Hackney neighborhood actually- made me promise we would just so we could ”really shop

We bought a ton of chocolate and biscuits to take home. I will go to one for the rest of my trips for sure!

Have you stayed in an apartment on past trips? Will this stay in one cause you to want to repeat that type of accommodation in the future?

(and no not slow on the uptake, just didn’t transfer to print well - one of those “geography” jokes, the had to be there kind :) )

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9447 posts

Saturday just after 8am. Been out to the nearby Cafe Nero. Large black coffee. Credit to the barista who didn’t ask “Americano?” Back in apartment reviewing emails and news headlines.

Light drizzle out. Shortly I’ll head off to Spitafields Market. I always enjoy wandering there. The earlier the better as it does get crowded. Distinctly remember when it was all fruit and veg and grimey. Alas all spiffy these days but still interesting.

Not looking to buy a thing. Merely like people watching and sampling foods.

GerryM still undecided. Bar Italia is a possibility.

Mustlovedogs I have done the apartment stay prior to this stay. It is convenient. However, pricey. Can’t say that I prefer it over a room at a Premier Inn. Staff here is exceptional. Room is well laid out. Having a fridge and microwave is nice. Sainsburys is close so shopped there. Fridge has my insulin and a chicken tika masala which I’ll heat in the microwave for tonight’s dinner.

The only thing that is annoying is that they don’t get iTV 3. It’s listed as being available but doesn’t work. Mentioned to the staff a week ago simply because any yank who has watched BBC and or British shows via cable or on PBS like MidSomer Murders would likely enjoy watching them here as well. Issue hasn’t been resolved and I will mention again to Emily
( she’s great ) and Yusef if he’s on duty today. Their maintenance guy said it was merely a matter of adjusting the satellite dish. So nightly TV viewing has been NCIS with Mark Harmon and Law and Order with the late, great Jerry Orbach.

Settled my bill this morning.

Have eaten some Oreos and enjoyed my tall black coffee. Time to brush my teeth.

Bundling up and on my way to the tube station.

Posted by
1473 posts

I'm also more open to west London suggestions than I was yesterday now I've slept on it. I said to Claudia in a PM last night I come out in a rash if I go west of Hyde Park Corner I'm not generally a west London person at all.

Claudia, your suggestion of The Dove in Hammersmith appeals to me more now. I wouldn't mind seeing the river. It's a straight shot from Finsbury Park on the Piccadilly Line for me too.

Posted by
486 posts

GerryM, suggestions for central London, My current go to, is Bancone. 3 branches, the Covent Garden one is very small, but you can usually get seats at the counter, if that's OK for you. Sometimes you need to book. (Although, have to admit, meeting a friend next week, and we are going to try the new Jamie Oliver restaurant ;) - not tried it yet).

Posted by
1473 posts

Katy, thank you. Bancone does look rather nice. I think it's Claudia's turn to pick next week :)

Posted by
9447 posts

Back after my visit to Brick Lane and Spitalfields. Lots of iphone pictures. Bite to eat at Efes in Brick Lane. More than filing. Right around the corner is the entrance to Aldgate East. FYI lots of stairs at this station. Rode 1 stop on the Hammersmith and City Line to Liverpool Street. Then hopped on a Central Line train back to Holborn. Exited and followed the same route back to my accommodation. A lot accomplished today.

Watching David Niven in a film I watched ages ago titled A Matter of Life and Death. Remember I thought how cool heaven looked…I was 12.

Unsure what I’m doing tomorrow. Resting would be a smart move.

GerryM I think you’ll like the Dove. Don’t believe reservations are needed. Then not 100% certain. Opens at Noon.

Katy thanks for the Bancone suggestion.

Posted by
1473 posts

Claudia, I shouldn't think a reservation would be necessary midweek lunchtime. I'll PM you and see what time. I wouldn't mind a look at the William Morris house (closed on Wednesday though) and maybe a short river walk in the Chiswick direction.

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9447 posts

Today started early. Left before 7am.

Walked to Holborn station and headed to Wapping.

Felt like walking. Did just that. Thames Path.

Enjoyed a chocolate croissant and coffee at the small and delightful El & A’s Brunch. Caught a DLR train to Shadwell then boarded a Central line train to Holborn. Used my faithful Underground map when cell service wasn’t responding. Now, of course, using reading glasses to see the wee print!

Meeting a friend for pub grub later.

EDIT: Bar Italia is still a possibility. Never been.
EDIT: Friend cancelled so I microwaved a Chicken tika masala I’d gotten at Sainsburys.

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9447 posts

Another day of up and out the door early. Holborn Underground to Bank Station where I boarded a DLR Train to the Cutty Sark. Passed the ship and walked into town. Walked through the Greenwich Market. Vendors just opening stalls. Needed caffeine so found the quiet Joe and The Juice. Great blueberry muffin and strong black coffee. Read The Standard.

Out the door and off to the National Maritime Museum. Excellent special presentation of the Woman of The RNLI. ( Royal National Lifeboat Institution). Exhibit is free. I was the only one there.. Fascinating reading about these brave individuals who volunteer as rescuers.

Then, feeling spunky, started my sojourn up to the Royal Naval Observatory. The jaunt reminded me I’m out of shape but I endured. Seems years of hiking up the trail to the Tom LeBonge Overlook above LA’s Griffith Observatory were helpful. Paid attention to my heart. Didn’t desire another bad episode.

Great clear day and marvelous panoramic view. Only one group of school children making noise. Things quieted once they queued inside. I heard two old friends chatting and it seemed they did the hike every week. So I followed them and sure enough a route back down not over run with tourists or school children. Lovely day and stroll.

Time for food when I got back into town. Saw a Bill’s. restaurant. Thought “ perfect.” Once sated returned to the DLR station. Rode a DLR train to Bank station. Hopped on a Central Line back to Holborn. Day was done.

Surprised by a short but intensive fireworks display. I could see and hear from the apartment window. Lasted all of 10 minutes.

Watched, enjoyed.

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9447 posts

Happy Tuesday. All of the US readers recovering from Turkey Day?

I’m of the age that Thanksgiving is a remembrance of JFK’s assassination. Deplorable part of US history.
Besides as an only child we never ate turkey on Thanksgiving. Mom didn’t see the point so Dad and I loved having either bowls of clam chowder and a loaf of sourdough or pork chops with mashed potatoes, pan gravy, green beans and home made applesauce.

Supposed to meet up with Nigel and Carol this morning. Figuring my easiest route for the meet up in Maida Vale. Looks like 30-45 minute trip. Delays on the Bakerloo and Piccadilly lines. Going to peruse bus routes instead.

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9447 posts

Back in apartment. Spent time with Nigel and Carol.
I tubed to Maida Vale neighborhood. We were to meet up at Gails Bakery directly across the street from the Maida Vale station. It was small and I noticed The Peppermint Cafe across the road. As I arrived early before our agreed meet up time I decided to check it out. Immediately texted Nigel I’d be waiting for them there.

Great meet up. Carol had breakfast, Nigel had tap water and I had a large freshly squeezed OJ. We drove a few blocks to the BBC studios. I bid them farewell and ambled back to the Maida Vale station.

It’s an original looking tube station. Interesting tiles and lots of stairs. Bakerloo train to Piccadilly Circus. Changed trains there. Boarded a District Line train to return Holborn.

Posted by
8814 posts

Happy Tuesday. All of the US readers recovering from Turkey Day?

Not yet. :-) Thanksgiving isn't until Thursday.

Posted by
608 posts

Who among us doesn’t just love when we are having so much fun on holiday that we lose all track of time? :)

Claudia, can you tour the BBC studio there? That would be interesting to do.

Posted by
9447 posts

So what time is it?

It’s story time!

Uncertain if I could tour the studio. Probably if I was interested.

Given my career was in film and tv seen far too many sound stages and studios.

Long walk today but not on purpose but because I got lost, totally lost and turned around. Alas even with iPhone Google maps and City Mapper I still spent 45 minutes in futility. Even worse neither of the 2 store owners I asked had a clue where my accommodation was located.

Watching an Alfred Hitchcock with Joan Fontaine. Lovely woman I was privileged to have had lunch with. A colleague I knew when I volunteered at the San Jose PBS station, KTEH, bid and won a lunch with her in Carmel. It was a bid for 4 people.

Long story short we met her at a Carmel Restaurant
( name escapes me ). She drove up in a dark green Jaguar. Impeccably dressed. Learned she was allergic to shellfish, she had a salad. She signed her autobiography that I’d brought with me.

Didn’t mention her sister but did mention I attended Los Gatos High School. She had gone to nearby Saratoga.

Sister Olivia DeHavilland had gone to Los Gatos. They didn’t speak to each other for decades. Olivia out lived her by 7 years.

Posted by
3977 posts

Funny you should mention Alfred Hitchcock. Did you know the station your were in today--Maida Vale--was featured in one of his movies? The station building and the staircase mosaics can be seen in Alfred Hitchcock's "Downhill"(1927). I'm a big fan of AH & his movies and recognized that station when I saw it in the film.

I remember that Maida Vale station ornate and lovely!
Walking distance to the south is of course Little Venice.
To the north-east is Abbey Road studios.
To the east of there is St John's Wood.
Lovely section of London.

Nice neighborhood to be wandering in....

Very cool story about your lunch with Joan Fontaine!

Posted by
9447 posts

In the 60’s Hitchcock lived in Scotts Valley which we drove past on our way to Santa Cruz or Capitola via Hwy 17.

On the frontage road there was the apple stand where we always stopped. Loved getting freshly pressed apple juice there. Close by on the other side of the highway was Santas Village.

I’ve always said I’m a great driver because I learned on Hwy 17. Still called Blood Alley. I drove on it prior to and following the placement of the cement barriers.

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34687 posts

lovely meet up with Claudia before my wife and I enjoyed a BBC Symphony Orchestra broadcast recording at the iconic Maida Vale Studio number One.

Here's what the invite had to say about this fabulous concert:

A musical journey from Germany to the USA with the BBC Symphony Orchestra and guest conductor Jonathan Bloxham.

Richard Wagner’s atmospheric Prelude to his opera Lohengrin (1848) is followed by Kurt Weill’s visceral response in 1941 to the bombing of Pearl Harbour – his setting of four powerful poems by the great American poet Walt Whitman, sung by BBC Radio 3 New Generation Artist James Atkinson. Weill, the German-born Jewish émigré, fled Nazi Germany in 1933 and made his home in the USA.

There’s a short lyrical work for strings by Florence Price, the first African-American woman recognized as an orchestral composer, and the concert ends with Charles Ives’ recreation (complete with the sound of a marching band) of Decoration Day – the US federal holiday honouring US military personnel who have died in line of duty. It’s one of the four colourful movements from Ives’ A New England Holiday Symphony (1887-1913).

Richard Wagner Prelude to 'Lohengrin'
Kurt Weill Walt Whitman Songs
Florence Price Andante cantabile, for string orchestra
Charles Ives Decoration Day

Jonathan Bloxham conductor
James Atkinson baritone

To start all this off with a couple of hours with my old friend Claudia and her discovery of the little cafe when I had suggested corporate was delightful.

Blue skies, clear air, no rain and mild(ish) temperature capped off by finding the unicorns of two (two!!) disabled parking spaces right next door really made for a special day.

Sorry you got lost

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9447 posts

I’m embarrassed I got lost but C’est la vie. The extra walking was tiresome. Plus side? Helped me fall asleep!

Pleased Nigel shared the program he and Carol attended yesterday. He’d told me but the only name that stuck was Wagner. Probably due to the fact that my father once considered a career in opera. He had perfect pitch, won many singing contests in his youth. Anyway he loved listening to the Ring trilogy.
Many Sunday mornings began with the Ride of the Valkyries reverberating in the house.

Pouring rain outside. So enjoy listening to rainfall.
Honestly, living in the continual sunshine of LA is dull. I grew up enjoying change of seasons. No snow but lovely Fall colors, gorgeous Spring flowers, et al. Thus my appreciation of London’s November weather. Oddly it’s comforting.

Today is about meeting GerryM for lunch. Going to the Seven Stars. Hopeful the General will not be catnapping. The pub’s menu of the day is written on a chalk board.

Now going to drink my coffee and finish updating my Instagram account.

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9447 posts

Tasty and filling pasta carbonara ordered by each of us. Mid way through our meet up The General stopped by to say hello. Cat lovers would be impressed by how he owns the place.

Back in the apartment enjoying hot chocolate!

Posted by
1473 posts

Good to see Claudia again this afternoon. The General too. He was looking very dapper in his ruff. A very nice characterful old pub indeed.

I made the mistake of taking the bus home and it took me nearly two hours. Traffic was slow absolutely everywhere it could be. I've become accustomed to using the Overground to Liverpool Street recently and that was quick and pain free to connect with the Central Line on the way in. Should have just ponied up and taken that home too.

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9447 posts

GerryM … how disappointing to hear your ride home was far too lengthy! Yikes

Last night I fell asleep early, awoke around midnight, stayed awake for awhile, fell back asleep but at 5 am my toilet started running on its own. Scared me.

Dressed. Took the elevator to the lobby to notify the front desk that the plunger was stuck. Before you ask, yes I tried to remove the lid myself but was unable to do so. Felt like they’ve glued it down. Wouldn’t move. Smart to have taken my coffee mug with me to the lobby. Needed my caffeine fix. A flat white with an expresso. As noted not a fan of the Nespresso machine in the room.

Still awaiting the arrival of the maintenance person who comes on at 8am. It’s 7:49am.

Not the way one wants to start their day.

I’ll let you figure out which of the 7 Dwarfs I’m this morning!

EDIT: if maintenance person not here in 10….it’s 8:20am front desk person is not going to want to see me!!! Bad enough he was on the phone and ignored me while he spoke to relatives in another continent when I was in the lobby. He was in the meeting room near the elevator. The saga continues!

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9447 posts

Issue resolved. Seems toilets here a bit different than those in the states. Whatever.

1 plumber and the head maintenance guy. Took 10 minutes. And, yes was the plunger and it getting stuck was due to dirt in the hard water. Hmmmm.

I’m still sluggish. So hanging out here for a little bit longer.

Posted by
34687 posts

dirt in the hard water more likely to be the calcium carbonate buildup, we call it fur, from any standing of hard water, or any obstruction to hard water - it builds up like stalactites and stalagmites in a cave.

We get it at home, on toothbrushes, in toilet pipes, in sink taps. Just had to replace 3 taps which were only 15 years old because they froze up.

That's why I keep lemon juice by the litre - dunk a cloth in it and apply, take off and rinse an hour later. Works a treat.

Posted by
1473 posts

Yes, limescale is the bane of many people's existence in the south and south east of England. I ended up buying a large bottle of industrial strength white vinegar from Amazon a while back to tackle the deposits. I used a similar technique to Nigel, wrapping paper kitchen towel soaked in vinegar around my taps, similar to what you'd call a "poultice" if you were treating a horse with a gammy leg.

On the topic of Maida Vale, I was telling Claudia about how it is forever associated with the late BBC Radio DJ, John Peel and his "Peel Sessions". The Fall and The Wedding Present are bands that did many sessions and are intrinsically linked with John Peel. He would have a band every week to record some songs at Maida Vale which he'd play out on his radio show. Lots of people my age with an interest in alternative music grew up listening to to his shows. I'd be there with the pause button ready to record any hip hop he played, as it was the only place you could hear it on the radio in the 80's. Same goes when the first house music started to come in from Chicago towards the end of the 80's. I absorbed and was educated in many other genres through John Peel though.

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9447 posts

Moving on from hard water deposits and 80’s music.

After a 2nd cup of caffeine I decided I wanted to see the Battersea Power Station conversion. Its now a shopping mall.

Must say very impressive conversion. Whole area is a combination of high rise condos, offices and the massive Power Station. Total revitalization of the area.

Had an excellent kabob at Le Bab. Advertises as
“ The Original Posh Kebab Shop.” Yummy and filling.
Not a shopper so bought nothing but did take numerous iPhone pictures of the massive shopping center to upload to my Instagram. Christmas decorations were displayed throughout the facility.

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9447 posts

Per usual awoke predawn.

Felt like having a blueberry muffin for breakfast. Threw clothes on and headed out in the dark to Greggs which I know opens at 6am. Alas handwritten note on the door saying “ Sorry, opening at 7am today.” Shrugged. Crossed the busy road at the light and went into Cafe Nero. Got a blueberry muffin and a pain au raisin for later.

Dinner tonight? Maybe a visit back at The Seven Stars. Excellent plate of pasta carbonara the other day. And remember dinner for me is at 3pm or 4pm.

Or a 10 minute stroll for some Japanese cuisine at ROKA.

For anyone who cares there is a McDonalds near Holborn Station. There’s also an Honest Burger on Great Queen Street. And Chilangos Mexican restaurant on Chancery Lane. Haven’t tried either. Simply sharing.

Have Reheated my coffee in the microwave and am back in my jammies and prone.

Resting today. Shower, wash hair, post pics and read.

Posted by
9447 posts

Friday revival. Needed a day of rest.

Spent the day in my room save for an early ( 6am ) jaunt for fresh pastries.

Happens and due to reality I purposely have a loose itinerary it’s perfectly acceptable to be a slug. Not like there is something I MUST see.

Hate to sound arrogant or selfish but my money, my time.

Pleased that yesterday I’d shopped at Sainsburys and had a Chicken Tika Masala that I popped in the microwave for dinner. Easy peasy.

Need to shop there again tomorrow. It is so convenient to have a microwave and fridge. Also a settee area where I can sit, read and/or watch TV while eating.

Weather has been grand. Although I didn’t get out today I could see clear blue skies out my window.

No clue where tomorrow’s adventure will begin and end.

Posted by
9447 posts

Today’s ( Saturday) adventure began early. Still dark outside when I walked to the Holborn Underground Station. Around 6am.

Had decided I was going to explore the Waltham Wetlands. Necessitated a Central line train to Kings Cross where I boarded a Victoria Line train to Blackhorse Road. Exited the station and found a small cafe that was just opening its door. The De Ja Brew cafe. Got a blueberry muffin that was nearly as big as a softball and a large Flat White. Sat on a stool at a counter that looked out onto the street. At least 4 or 5 men popped in for coffee and to sit outside on the patio and smoke. Uncertain but think the dialect was either Bulgarian or Romanian.

I liked the Wetland trails. Saw a blue heron at one point. Very peaceful stroll. Saw no one else on the wetlands paths. Viewed a number of new condo/apartment developments once I left the Wetlands and made my way to Tottenham Hale Station. Took a Victoria Line train to Oxford Circus when I changed to a Central Line train back to Holborn Station.

Grabbed a large coffee at Redemption Roasters and while walking back to my accommodation saw a
“grip truck” parked along the curb of Lincoln Inn Fields. Chuckled. Back in my room looked out the window and could see a film crew in the park.

Curious went back outside with a couple of business cards I always carry for instances like this. Twas a Burberry commercial. Met my professional counterpart who looked a bit bothered. Knew the feeling. He jokingly asked “ you sure you don’t want to help out?” Grinned and said, “ no interest but I wish you well.”

All of the above accomplished before 10:30am!

To be continued…..

Posted by
1473 posts

That's nice that you got out to Walthamstow. There's some nice walking around there and the River Lea Valley / Hackney Marshes. There's lots of herons around. There's been more and more of them coming to the pond in my neighbourhood in recent years. I have a feeling them and the moorhens are coming up from their more traditional habitat where you were, to the neighbourhood where there's maybe more munchies around. Herons will eat all sorts.

I worked on a couple of shows for Burberry a few years ago. It was a good crew, who have been coming together to do the shows every season for years I believe. I was slightly uneasy about vast sums of money they spent for a 20 minute show, particularly how much waste there was after the show with the set etc., but I guess that's the nature of things. I was wearing my Burberry scarf when we met the other day.

Posted by
9447 posts

Early 1/2 hour nap then back out for a short walk to my local. Nice lunch. The pub cat came over to get some head scratches. He then jumped on a cushion, curled up and did what cats do best, catnapped.

I finished my lunch and walked “home.” Been here ever since. Oreos have been involved.

Posted by
9447 posts

Another out the door pre sunrise morning. Took a Central Line train from Holborn to Bank station. There I boarded a DLR train to Island Gardens. Was all about possibly mudlarking but definitely ambling along the Thames path.

Glad I had my slouchie and rain coat with a hood. Came in handy at the end of the walk when sprinkles started. Did mudlark. Was unsuccessful.

Boarded DLR train at Canary Wharf. Changed to Central Line at Bank. From there 2 stops to Holborn. Got out and walked across the road to Boots. Needed Kleenex packets. Was about 11:30am. Wasn’t open. Neither was Sainsburys. Sunday hours not user friendly.

I’ll survive but Sunday hours are obscure.

12:30…feed me…heating up a pasta dish in the microwave.

Room was serviced today. Clean bed linen and towels.

Rain is constant now!

Posted by
9008 posts

Shops over a certain size in England can only open for 6 hours but not sooner than 10am- 6 hours of their choosing to suit local markets.

Generally that is 10 to 4, or 11 to 5. But around Holborn the weekend customer base is mainly tourists so Sainsbury have chosen 12 to 6, taking the view that tourists will be out late rather than early. And Boots see their market locally around there as being the City workers so that store only opens on Monday to Friday.

Posted by
664 posts

Claudia, just a note to add my thanks for sharing your meanderings out and about London. I’m so enjoying following along. I will be spending 2 1/2 weeks in London mid February to March 5. I applaud your pace, I know you love London and go often. I tend to feel I have to do more to justify the expense. I need to remind myself to slow down and relax and take a chill day when needed.

Posted by
390 posts

" slow down and relax and take a chill day when needed. "

"How nice it is to do nothing, then rest"

Posted by
9447 posts

Awoke at 5am. Brushed teeth, combed hair. Tossed on clothes and my Bombas. Off to the elevator and a ride to the lobby with my coffee mug where I combine an expresso and flat white from the machine.

No one at the front desk.

Back up to the apartment to sit at the settee to read the news and any emails. Also to check the Helpline.

Thank you isn31c for offering an explanation regarding Sunday shopping hours.

As far as my pace I want to confirm my health is back to normal for a 73 year old. Honestly when you’ve endured a surprise heart attack and spend 3 nights in a hospital you realize life is fragile. Thus my mentality is to find enjoyment in my explorations of different neighborhoods as this 6 week visit could be the last.

I had thought I’d be going to theatre more often. Have realized I prefer an early AM ramble, pastry and cup of caffeine and a very loose and adaptive agenda.

Probably averaging 2-4 miles a day walking. LOL because the adge at home is nobody walks in LA is so true. At home I drive to Griffith Park although the Ferndale portion of the park is a mere mile away.

Anyway, here as darkness sets in around 3:30pm I enjoy dinner around 4pm. This is before pubs become crowded and loud with folks in business attire arrive. Once finished head off to the apartment. Watching NCIS by 6pm and asleep by 9pm.

My walks are about keeping the heart pumping while discovering places and things. Yesterday on my Isle of Dogs jaunt found a small bright yellow coffee truck and trailer parked in the forecourt at the St Edmunds Catholic Church Millwall. For seating there was a clear igloo with a couple of tables and chairs. Similar to the type of igloos on the Thames path across the river from Parliament. Great strong and hot take away that I slowly sipped while I walked. At one point sat on a bench overlooking the river watching rowers getting their exercise. Both single and quad skulls. Occasionally you’d hear the coxswains.

I also like looking at Ian Visits website. Very interesting and unique offerings.

Today as one who took photos as a living I’m headed to the Camera Museum which is a 15 minute walk from where I’m residing. Opens at 11:30am There’s a cafe there.

Till then I’m remaining in the apartment reading. Will also make a list for Sainsburys shopping.

Easy peasy.

Posted by
34687 posts

I hope you have a great time at the Camera Museum - another one that the all knowing temporary resident knows of but which is news to me, former South London resident and nearby local.

Posted by
9447 posts

Update: never made the camera museum.

Did a short meander and shopped at Sainsburys. Enjoyed good coffee and pastry at Fabrique in Covent Garden. Strolled further. Energy wavered and my arthritic hips screamed at me. Sat on a bench in a pocket park. Figured the shortest route “home.”

Called it a day.

Having a fridge and microwave makes life so easy.
Just devoured a chicken korma.

Later I’ll have a Snickers for dessert.

Posted by
9447 posts

Had a plan. Thought a great way to avoid crowded sidewalks while perusing Christmas lights on Regent Street would go before sunrise. Alas lights were not on. Unsure when they are turned off. Ah well. So meandered until I found an open coffee shop. Found Blank Coffee at Canberra House. Blank is a chain.

Enjoyed my cup of caffeine and decided I’d head to Regents Park. Been there before. Knew very few flowers would be out, it’s Winter. Didn’t care. Fairly lengthy stroll. Got to the park and could hear the sounds of tennis balls being hit. Found the open cafe at the tennis courts and ordered a flat white.

Watched players for a bit. Finished the flat white and it was off to the Queens Gardens. Was right, very few flowers. Some roses. Smelled a few but none smelled liked the roses of my youth. In fact none of them had any scent. My favorite discovery was a completely empty flower bed which, at some point, must of had flowers. The sign that was there said, “Twilight Zone.” Who knew there was a flower, shrub or rose with that name? Not I.

Was back in the apartment by 11am. Been here since. Have eaten some water crackers with creamy bleu cheese. Had a hot chocolate as well.

Tomorrow is going to be dedicated to saving energy and resting my very tired leg muscles. Right now if there was a bath tub I’d be soaking in it.

EDIT: Forced myself back out to negotiate the crowded streets to get to Sainsburys. Bought a Chicken Tikka Masala meal that I microwaved and enjoyed. In for the tonight.

EDIT 2: Nobody asked but my favorite rose is the Cary Grant.

Posted by
390 posts

In Portland Oregon ("City of Roses") the Rose Test Garden has hundreds of new and old varieties. I was always surprised how many didn't have much of a scent at all. The ones that said they were of an older variety, most of them did.

Posted by
9447 posts


Whatever I have done to the muscle or tendon in my upper thigh is annoying. Its tender, causing discomfort. Think a heating pad or hot water bottle would help. Alas have neither so didn’t sleep well. Whine.

I’ll get out at some point today but my goal is to see the lights at Chancery Square OR the projections of Wallace and Gromit on the stacks of the Battersea Power Station. These projections weren’t occurring when I first visited. Otherwise I would have stayed till darkness engulfed the massive building.

Will say another reason I enjoy London are the numerous parks. Massive ones ( Richmond,
Regents, Kew and Victoria), classic ones ( Hyde Park, St James), ones with city views ( Hampstead Heath, Primrose Hill, Greenwich). There are also pocket parks ( St Dustan in the East, Lincoln Inn Fields or Tavistock Square and Gardens.) A personal favorite is Kyoto Gardens.

Another fascination are cemeteries. Brompton, Highgate, East Sheen, Barnes, Old Mortlake, Chiswick New Cemetery, South Ealing Cemetery.

It’s now 5:28am. Think I’ll head down to the lobby to prepare my flat white/expresso combo. Will help me see if I can walk without too much discomfort. As Bette Davis was quoted “ old age ain’t no place for sissies!”

Posted by
9008 posts

There are a chain of stores called Argos, who sell Hot water bottles starting at £8.50. There are stores around central London or order on line and click and collect from a very wide range of places. There will be somewhere to click and collect very close to where you are.
If you were where I am I'd have one in your hands by just after 9am when the store opens.

Posted by
9447 posts

Was able to slowly walk to the close by Little Venice cafe. Ordered a full English breakfast. I’ll not eat again till tomorrow.

The pain is dull but constant. Have taken a washcloth and put it under the hot water faucet. Got it as hot as I could tolerate, rung it out and tied it off in a small plastic bag. Placed it on my “owie.” Feels better. Once it cools I’ll reheat the washcloth in the microwave, put it back in the bag, repeat!

Thankfully I have a Raymond Chandler paperback to read. Also iPhone pictures to include on my Instagram account.

Earlier did have a text message chat with a California friend I’ve known since high school. Was a bridesmaid in her wedding. Just celebrated her and husband’s 52nd wedding anniversary. He was also in high school with us. Year ahead.

We’ve been trying to arrange a meet up in San Luis Obispo. There’s this brilliant light show called Sensorio that I know she’d appreciate.

EDIT: thanks for the Argos intel as the Sainsbury on Holborn High Street has them.
EDIT: paid off the remainder of my stay.
EDIT: got a hot chocolate

Back in the room. Washcloth zapped. Tis what it is.

Posted by
3717 posts

Every Boots or SuperDrug store will stock hot water bottles, some with very cute covers!
When we were students, an Irish friend called them “Rubber Hubbies”. ;)

Posted by
4172 posts

I’ve been hoping you are feeling better during your fall stay in London. I read that you’ve had several health issues. I’ve hesitated to give armchair advice but I wanted to mention that for the first time ever during one of our many European trips I experienced leg muscle pain in one leg a week after arriving in Ireland last month. It got a little better while there and I managed the discomfort with pain relievers (Aleve). A week after returning home I had sever leg pain in the same leg every time I stood up. I went to the ER and they confirmed 2 DVTs caused by my flight. I have to be on blood thinners for 3 months. I was advised to wear compression socks on flights, which I haven’t been doing for my 2x per year flights to Europe. I don’t know what your doctor who manages your other health conditions would advise about wearing compression socks but it might be worth it to inquire if you aren’t already doing this for flights, road trips in the US.

BTW, We just got back from 4 lovely days in Cambria and almost went to the light show you mentioned in Paso Robles. It looks like a lot of fun with 3-4 different tickets and experiences to choose from but we just didn’t have time.

I’m enjoying reading about your early morning exploring around London’s various neighborhoods. Thinking about you with well wishes.

Posted by
608 posts

You’re certainly a trooper, Claudia. Hanging tough regardless of the circumstances! I’m glad you are enjoying this trip as you do it your way. We especially loved all of the London parks, each one has its own distinct character and charm. Regent’s Park is my favorite, my kids loved Hyde Park best. I hope your leg improves. I don’t know how well you do with Aleve, but it saved me while I was over there. Thanks for keeping us all updated on your London journey!

Posted by
9447 posts

New dawn ( happening soon), new day.

Thank you for your kind thoughts. I’m good.

Have an ancient small Bayer Aspirin tin that fits in the coin pocket of my Levis. After the heart attack I take an Aspirin a day along with other meds.

Slept well. Kept leg elevated. Minimal discomfort when I walked to the elevator. Rode it to the lobby where I made my combo coffee. This time a double expresso and Americano.

Back up to the apartment to answer emails and read the helpline.

Having lunch with GerryM later. Till then unsure. Nothing I must see. Will review my list of possible things to see.

Have gotten my Christmas cards.

Maybe go see the Turner Prize but only if it’s

Seeing if there’s a Christmas Market somewhere. I like people watching and street food options.

The Leather Lane Market is close and open.

Finishing my coffee, putting on shoes and raincoat.

Checking weather forecast. Rain later. None during the day.

Who trusts weather predictions anywhere? LOL as it’s raining now.

Hi ho. Off I go.

Posted by
9447 posts

Thanks Nigel.

So I ventured out believing my muscle/tendon whatever it is was fine. There’s good reason I’m not a doctor. Walked too far for too long. Wanted to take pictures of Leather Lane as vendors were setting up. Did so. Needed sustenance. Had a ham and cheese panini at La Forchetta.

Fortified fought through crowded sidewalks to Farringdon station. Boarded a Circle Line train to Liverpool Street. Then a Central Line train to Holborn. Hobbled back to the apartment. Back in jammies nursing a hot chocolate.

Have accepted the idiocy of my ways.

Not going to push myself again.

Nearly 2pm. Nap? Read? TV? Decisions, decisions.

EDIT: have posted all the iPhone photos I took this morning are on my Instagram.

EDIT2; using a frozen washcloth on the “ owie.”
Cold better to ease pain
EDIT3; rain has begun
EDIT4; nearly 10:30pm. Have leg elevated and popped some Aleve. Did watch the premiere of the new Season of Dalgleish.

Hopeful sleep comes soon.

Posted by
9447 posts

Awake and dressed only because I wanted a flat white/expresso combination from the lobby coffee machine.

Slept ok but the pulled/torn muscle ached. Periodically used a frozen washcloth to ease the discomfort. I’m sitting on the settee with injured leg elevated while I read emails, texts and news headlines.

It’s Saturday which means hordes of humans everywhere. Also very strong winds which I can hear outside are predicted along with rain.

Perfect day to stay far from the madding crowd. BTW that 1967 film is when I fell in lust with Alan Bates and learned to appreciate the directing talent of John Schlesinger. Personal favorites he directed include Sunday Bloody Sunday, Marathon Man and Midnight Cowboy.

I’m hopeful something of interest will be on the telly for me to watch other than Mark Harman episodes of NCIS…then again was bemused by the late David McCallum’s character “Ducky” providing a Russian defector with a new name….Illya Kuryakin. Nice job script writers.

EDIT; I did go out yesterday. Strolled in Holland Park and Kyoto Gardens. Very slow pace. Saw Holland House. Sat on a close by bench for a good 1/2 hour. From there returned to a pub I first visited 15 years back…The Castle. Was going to eat there but the vibe and menu didn’t appeal. Instead, via the Tube headed to Lancaster Gate and returned to The Mitre Paddington. It’s the pub I eat at when I stay at 63. ALWAYS good. Had a pint and a plate of perfectly done calamari. Happily sated took the straight shot Central Line from Lancaster Gate to Holborn. In jammies by 4pm. Yup!

Posted by
390 posts

"...with a new name….Illya Kuryakin."

I almost spit coffee when I caught that one time watching back episodes.

Posted by
9447 posts


Have rested. Napped.

Zapped a Chicken Tikka Masala.

Watching NCIS Hawaii. Leg feels better but still tender.

Massive winds didn’t truly arrive.

Too lazy to head downstairs for my nightly hot chocolate. Also one elevator out of order.

Posted by
34687 posts

up here in the East my anemometer which had been spinning to beat the band has slowed enough I can actually see the individual cups on it, but still fairly fast. The neighbouring trees have stopped their hula dances, and the birds are out of hiding and back at the feeders. It has brightened up and whilst there is still moisture in the air it is not actively raining.

My weather app said London would clear 5 hours ahead of us, so who knows?

Posted by
34687 posts

My friends who flew off to Australia 2 and a half hours ago from Heathrow took off 2 minutes early and appear to have gone around the storm. Despite their taxi being 45 minutes late at the height of the overnight storm at 5am here they still made it.

Posted by
1473 posts

The wind has dropped quite a bit in the last hour or so actually but it's still quite breezy. I use my cat as a barometer and he had to go out and get wet and brave the wind to use the bathroom this morning. I think that's the worst of the weather pretty much done though.

Posted by
9447 posts

Up at 5am. Showered, washed hair. Leg muscle a tad better but won’t be walking any long distance.

Am meeting a friend for coffee at the nearby Redemption Roasters.

Resting most of the day in hopes I can get out after dark to see the Ever After Garden at Grosvenor Square. Plan to tube from Holborn to Bond Street and then hobble.

Not a “must see,” but a nice end to my lengthy London layover.

Return to hell on earth aka LAX tomorrow. Hopeful my prearranged “ ride “ will be on time and waiting for me. Also hopeful my updated Global Entry contributes to a pleasant return.

I’m reminded travel is about adventure, seeing old friends, making new ones and finding joy!

Posted by
1473 posts

I've enjoyed reading your thread a lot, even though it wasn't always good news! Lovely to meet you and I hope you can make it back soon.

Posted by
3394 posts

I've thoroughly enjoyed your trip report. Thanks.

Posted by
9447 posts

Thanks GerryM. Throughly enjoyed our meet ups. Will stay in touch.

Thanks Wray. Do enjoy sharing about my favorite city on the planet.

Already missing Nigel and Carol.

It’s nearly 9am. Been up for hours.

Got out to do what I love, take pictures to post on my Instagram.

Club Quarters is close to the London School
Of Economics so limped there. Got snaps of some different Christmas trees and lights.

Alas, not a terribly smart move as the muscle I pulled isn’t happy. So leg elevated, Aleve taken.

Heathrow bound taxi arranged for noon pick up. Terminal will be crowded. Queues long. Even though checked in online the security clearance is always slow. Never seems to be enough staff. Hopeful but mentally prepared to stay patient.

And then there’s LAX. Again, have Global Entry but….

At least there’s supposed to be a car service waiting for me….if not there I use the shuttle to the taxi stand.

It will be evening when I land and rush hour should be over BUT it’s LA…might be as long as an hour before I’m back at Casa Claud.

Been a grand 6 weeks. Will admit a bit sad that my age is showing physically.

Good cheer all. If anyone has questions, PM. Happy to answer.

Posted by
197 posts

Claudia, thank you to take the time to write this trip report. I love your trips to London and on-the-ground coverage. Have a pleasant trip home and here's to the next time!

Posted by
34687 posts

and her flight left, winging its way back west ... late, and got caught in Heathrow runway rush hour, but left.

crying emoji

Missing you already, Claudia

Posted by
608 posts

Your trip is done and you’ve had fun.
We’ve all enjoyed your stories.
Getting old isn’t for sissies; our joints aren’t good as new.
But you Kept Calm and Carried On.
Just as any proud Brit would do!

Thanks for all you shared with us! Have the happiest of holidays! Just sit back now and reminisce :)

Posted by
9447 posts

Pleased to know the trip report was read and appreciated.

Flight home left LHR late and arrived LAX on time. Guess we zoomed over Canada.

Global Entry was so so quick. Such a pleasure.

The car service driver was there and I enjoyed an easy peasy ride home which one doesn’t often say in LA traffic.

A little twinge of sadness as there wasn’t a cat to welcome me home.

Unpacked, dirty clothes tossed in laundry basket.

Rummaged in closet till I found my heating pad. Plugged it in.

Washed face, brushed teeth and took Advil PM.

The latter always generates REM sleep which I desired as I’d slept little on the flight.

Well, it worked. Boy did it work. Slept till 4:24pm.

Contacted my neighbor who had been picking up my mail to see if he was home. He was. Hobbled downstairs to give him his gift and to retrieve my mail. Used the elevator to get back upstairs. Made some decaffeinated Earl Grey. Sat in chair with leg elevated on foot stool and opened up mail.

I’m back in bed. TV on. Heating pad on being used on the thigh muscle.

Day is done and so is this report.

Ta ta from Tinseltown.

Happy Holidays!!!

Posted by
3220 posts

Thanks so much for posting your trip. It gave me ideas for June visit.
What a shame you were in pain most of the time. I admire your tenacity to keep going and enjoy your trip.
Feel better soon!

Posted by
9447 posts

Clarity: wasn’t in pain most of the trip. The muscle tear ( yes xray confirmed) was late in the sojourn.

I do appreciate both the public and private posts of concern. Thank You!

So back here in the City of Angels no more pre dawn Griffith Park hikes. I can drive and limped into and out of Pavilions but a store clerk carried my groceries to the car.

Other than annoyance I alternate between an ice pack and heating pad. No morning stretches either.
Fear of reaggravation. Thankful to have cable and numerous unread books to keep me occupied. Spent time yesterday catching up on the episodes of the new Matlock that I missed.

I also need to replace a lamp that finally said “ no mas.” My building has an Amazon Locker so I can expect one within 2 days I think.

However, it’s time to retrieve brownies, zap my cold coffee in the microwave, catch up on the news, and solve NYTimes puzzles.

TGIF! Don’t care it’s the 13th!
EDIT: 10:53pm just ordered a new bedside table lamp. Delivery to Amazon Locker tomorrow.

Posted by
2521 posts

I was in London for part of your stay there, Dec. 13-20! We stayed at the Hotel 63 and loved it. Ate several delicious meals at the Swan Pub and had a Sunday roast at the Mitre Pub. Walked through Hyde Park on Sunday and encountered a Dachshund Meetup, cute pups dressed in colorful Christmas sweaters! What a delightful serendipitous experience with hundreds of humans and a few sneaky non- Dachshund doggies! We had many wonderful concerts and plays and an evening in Kew Gardens to see the Christmas lights.

Posted by
9447 posts

Gotta love serendipity and a Sunday Roast at the Mitre. Pleased that you found 63 comfortable and enjoyed Hyde Park.

Posted by
9447 posts

BTW the nasal issue evolved. Exterior bump became hard. 2 weeks ago had it checked by dermatologist. Lo and behold was cancerous. Had it surgically removed. 1/4 inch hole on left nostril.

Return to dermatologist tomorrow. Most likely will need surgery needed to properly repair the hole.

Posted by
9447 posts

Carroll and Robin Z thank you.

Hole is healing “ nicely,” according to the dermatologist. Wound was cleaned and rebandaged.

I’m to return in 2 weeks.

Posted by
197 posts

Claudia, I'm glad you are keeping up with the medicals. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, and hope for your return soon to London. I love your trip reports and have learned so much from you.

Posted by
9447 posts

MapLady have not booked anything yet but seriously considering another Nov or Dec stay in London.

Posted by
34687 posts

me too. Pint (or two halves) of Guinness waiting for you if you do...