I had emailed my B&B in Florence to let them know that I had read in Rick Steve's 2012 Italy book that there was a discount offered to readers. They replied that when I showed them the book I would be entitled the discount. So imagine my disapointment when I showed them the eBook that I had purchased for full price on Amazon, that they told me that they would not honor the discount. It ended up costing me an additional 50 euro for my 3 day stay in Florence. It put a sour taste in my mouth on what was otherwise a very nice trip. Make sure you verify with your Hotel that they honor advertised discounts on e-books. I thought I was saving the planet, and helping to pack lighter by purchasing the kindle version of the book. Instead, it ended up costing me a pretty penny.
Rick specifically mentions in his books (I've only used the print editions) that discounts are also valid for those who only possess the e-book. So, if you had a problem, you should contact the RS staff and let them know. Here's how: http://www.ricksteves.com/about/contact.htm A listing in one of his books is very valuable to a hotel, and both Rick and the hotels know this. A threat to remove a hotel should bring them in line, fast (and in his online guidebook updates, I have seen him specifically say "we no longer recommend Restaurant Such-And-Such because they routinely overcharge customers" or things like that).
This is not going to help you feel better, but the production of paper and ink is a lot less than the cost of natural resources it takes to produce electonic readers.
@Monte, That's mean. I know you are a retired librarian and love the feel, smell, and sight of books, especially old books. We have the same disease in our family. But sometimes it's better to bite your tongue, I mean keyboard, even if it's true. At least he didn't have to carry the weight. @ Brent you did "good" and the B & B were royal jerks. Thank you for posting, and I do hope you follow up with the RS staff.
I agree Monte, which is why it's a good thing I don't buy a new e-reader every time I buy a new book. Instead I put a couple hundred books on a single e-reader. And I took all of them with me to Italy.
Brent, Peace, Brother. I'm with you in helping Mother repair and grow. What some people don't realize is most paper production comes from recycled paper, tree plantations planted for paper production, and waste from saw mill operations. If you compare this to the frenzy search for rare earth and gold used in electronics paper looks pretty cheap. I'm sorry for the aside caused by others.
@Monte Incredibly good points. I'll remember this comparison in the future.
Monte, since you mentioned it, I must counterargument your point: a) there are other reasons for which people might prefer e-books to printed books: it is much lighter and you can carry a library on a trip for a meager 1 lb. b) printing paper and electronic components use different sets of resources to be produced
And back on topic,, Brent, if Rick Steves books say specifically a discount will be given at such and such a place I would definately contact the office and let them know ( its not enough to post it here).
So...what B&B in Florence? ;-)
Brent, I apologise if this has already been mentioned in the discussion, but did you also add your experience to the guidebook section of the Books tab? If not, please do and name the B & B. as a warning to others.