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16 days Scandinavia May-June 2024 Part 3

We rented a car for 2 days, so we could drive up to the Atlantic Ocean Road and see some of Geirangerfjord from a different perspective. We’re glad we drove, because the scenery was outstanding…The Sunnmøre Alps are beautiful and I’d highly recommend driving for a few days. On a side note, we rented an electric car which was both educational and a bit of a learning curve , especially if you’ve never driven one before. So we had to figure it out as we went…one interesting note was it turns out this was a “driver assist” model. It used GPS to keep you from going over the speed limit and to help keep you in your lane. My husband is a very aggressive driver, and one would think he’d hate that, but it actually freed him up just a bit to look around at the scenery. We returned the car to Vigra airport and flew back to Oslo. We stayed one last night in Oslo as we had an early morning flight back to Boston. Ended up having a nice dinner at a crazy popular place called Mamma Pizza. We stayed at the Comfort Hotel Grand, which was just OK, but connected to the mall/train station, so the next morning was an easy walk to catch our train to the airport.

General Comments:

*I found that the price of wine and liquor not as bad as expected…you could buy a bottle of wine or beer, especially at Vinmonopolet, for a reasonable price. And I live in NH, a state known for its inexpensive liquor stores! We had cocktail hour before we went out…and only ordered 1 glass of wine or beer with dinner.

  • Dining out was expensive and sometimes painful when the bill came around, especially in Oslo but also at a couple of our overnight accommodations where we had to eat in the restaurant because there was no other place around.

  • I would gladly do the ferries point to point (especially the DFDS) but they do stop at smaller ports in the middle of the night, so I would take a sleeping pill so as not to be awakened at 2 or 3 am.

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