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1. Secret Itineraries Tour @ the Doges' Palace (in English)---very interesting and quite a contrast to the opulence of the public rooms of the palace which you can visit on your own after the tour. 2. Atmosfera Veneziana bead shop that I read about on the Helpline: good selection of earrings and small decorative items in addition to LOTS of beads. 3. Jewish Ghetto Museum & tour: informative and interesting

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494 posts

Happy to hear you liked Atmosfera Veneziana. It's my favorite Murano glass store owned by a Venetian and his Italian American wife.

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143 posts

Only he was in the shop the day we were there; told him I'd read about the shop on RS helpline. He gave me 5 Euro discount because I bought 4 prs of earrings and a cute fish for my grand-niece.