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Western Europe - May 4th through August 22nd

Hi, I'm a 27 year old male backpacking Europe this summer. After some kayaking in Italy May 6th-13th I am going to backpack western Europe. I would like to go to Austria, Switzerland, Germany (I have a couple friends there), France, Spain, England (I fly back from London), and possibly Norway. I'm flexible on countries and activities but I'm hoping to stay on a lower budget (hostels and picnics). I will probably use rail, hitchhike and good old fashioned hiking to get around. I would love to meet up with other travelers in their 20s to have some great adventures in both small towns and larger cities. Mike
Eugene Oregon, USA

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34701 posts

Michael I don't want to hijack your Travel Partners hunt, just wanted to remind you that the Schengen limit to stay cumulatively within the Schengen area is 90 days in any 180. Your dates add to 111 days, so you need at least 21 days in England or other non-Schengen country in that trip. That applies to US citizens and others. Hope you find what you are looking for...

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2 posts

hey still steve in chico. Accidentially hit enter before I wanted to so here is the rest of what I was going to write.
I really like traveling and would like to go to germany austria, italy rome and florence, spain to! I havent made any serious commitments yet, but it sounds like you and I could possibly meet up over there somewhere and travel together for a while? I am also planning on staying in hostels as well. About me. I am a geography and planning major at chico state. I have traveled a lot in mexico and across the U.S. I am 25 strait and have a real laid back personality. send me a message back if you get chance........steve

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4 posts

Hi Michael! I will be in Barcelona may 10-19. If you're in that area at that time let me know if you want to meet up. I'm Filipino American, 27, and would like to meet other travelers since this is my first time visiting Europe.
Have a safe and fun trip! Jen

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3 posts

Hey Michel, Im 24, going to be in Europe from June 21st to July 30th. June 21-July 4th Rome, Southern Italy, Florance July 4th to July 19th- I've got two weeks to make it up to Prague to meet up with some friends, have no plans during this time, other than to make it to Prague, so basically open to going anywhere and seeing/doing anything. July 20th to July 30th- Meeting up with some college friends, heading westward to Belgium, Amsterdam, Berlin and anywhere we feel like stopping along the way. We Were going to go to Tomorrowland, but the tickets are gone. Bummer. Get at me man if you'd like to meet up somewhere along the line. I'l be with my family the first part of the trip, but after the 4th, I'l be solo so, a travel partner would be pretty welcome. Def planning on hostels, hitching and hiking. I'd really like to put a bunch of miles through the Alps on my pack, so if you're into something like that, drop a line Cheers,

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1421 posts

Hey, Mike. I'm Alex and I'm 26-years old. I will be in Paris from 28 June - 1 August and in Nice from 1 to 7 August. If you want to meet up in one of those places, I'd be thrilled.

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Hey Michael- I'm flying into London on May 22nd and out August 1st. My plan is to stay in London until June 1st where I'll then be going to Brussels for a few days and then possibly up to Amsterdam then over to Germany. I'm going to be taking the rail and buses to get around. I'd like to go to Prague, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Portugal, etc. Annie

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2 posts

Hey Michael- I'm flying into London on May 22nd and out August 1st. My plan is to stay in London until June 1st where I'll then be going to Brussels for a few days and then possibly up to Amsterdam then over to Germany. I'm going to be taking the rail and buses to get around. I'd like to go to Prague, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Portugal, etc. Annie

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4 posts

Hey everyone, now I'm going to be living in Norway until Mid September. If anyone wants to go to octoberfest in Germany late September and then down to Spain let me know. Mike