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la bell'Italia in Dec/Jan

From Dec 15 til Jan 14th: Staying for Natale with cousins in Piemonte, then poking about the northeast a bit before heading down to Sicily and then Puglia. Over the years I have had to become very comfortable traveling solo in Italy just because finding a traveling companion can be so daunting, but it would be fun to meet up with kindred travelers! Male or female OK. I am an active 60+ who has a decent command of Italian, and a passion for good accordion music, opera, jazz, la dolce far niente, and many many other things. I usually take a car and a month and go everywhere. Love discovering new corners of my grandparents' homeland, meeting and chatting up the locals and of course, sampling the local cuisine! As they say, "Che hai mangiato di bello oggi??"

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14 posts

Hello Susan, I can't believe I will miss you by a matter of 24 hours. I will be arriving in Italy on January 16 in Rome and I will be spending three months in Rome with a few excursions in between : London, Venice, Paris and Turkey...but would have loved to venture off to Sicily and Puglia as well. I am a 46 year old solo traveler that also enjoys opera, jazz, and meeting great people. My Italian is minimal (basically a list of words I can recognize) but hopefully by the time I return I will have picked up the language. Please stay in touch on any other trips you might have going we might cross paths. Stephanie

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Have a lovely time! My advice is to align yourself with an Italian language school wherever you go. You get instant access to great, informed, friendly people right away and besides getting some language courses can find good excursions, lodging ideas and recommendations for the area. In Sicily, contact HalisaClub and in Puglia L'Acanto. Both run by amazing women that I have come to regard as good friends. Easy to find with a web search. I will return next year, or the year after! Thanks for responding.... Susan