Hello all, these are challenging times and we must be vigilant about physically distancing ourselves from others to stop the spread of Covid-19. But why should we miss another meeting? I don't think we should. Some of us have had to cancel trips, but we can share in our disappointment, talk about future trips, and get some trip reports from recent travelers.
We will have a virtual meeting on our normal 3rd Saturday at 10:00 a.m. It won't be the same, but the commute will be great. And for once you can bring your own food and drinks. Please wear something appropriate on top. Pants are optional. ;-)
For this first meeting we will limit the attendees to people we know. If we end up doing this again next month we may feel more comfortable opening it up to others. We have to see how this one plays out first.
Matt has generously offered to host the meeting on Zoom. The meeting will be from 10:00 - 12:30. Matt will reply to this post with any further information he needs from you. You can then PM him with what he needs to set this up. Please also reply to this post to let me know who to expect. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone!