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(Virtual) East Bay (SF area) Travel Group Meeting - Sat, May 14, 2022

We invite you to join our East Bay (San Francisco area) Travel Group meeting!
We welcome newcomers and travelers from around the globe to our online meetings.

WHEN: Saturday, May 14, 2022 @ 11am-1:00pm (Pacific time)

WHERE: online; please RSVP on this thread
I will send the meeting link via private messages during the week before the meeting.

Let's hear from all of our travelers and travel planners, several of whom are recently back from travels, on the road now, and packing for trips. Let's hear about them all!

Please reply on this thread to let me know if you have travels and travel plans to share! No pictures required for this meeting; let's hear the stories of being back on the road again.

Future meetings (2nd Saturdays except as noted)

June 11, 2022 @ 11am PT (virtual)
- I'll have just arrived back from Turkey on June 10 and look forward to sharing my trip!

July 23, 2022 @ 11am PT (please note: 4th Saturday due to my travels)

(Revised) August 9, 2022 @ 11am PT (tentative weekday date and time, to be confirmed depending on everyone's availability)
- we will hold an in-person meeting; one-time location to be announced
Note, this is not our usual Saturday meeting time!

Posted by
5623 posts

I am back from Washington, D.C., which was wonderful. I'll share a few highlights (it was interesting for me to see the US take on the Holocaust at the US Holocaust Museum.) But I will allocate most of our meeting to our Europe travelers!

Posted by
5623 posts

Wonderful, TravelMom, we'd all love to hear about Jordan and Dubai and points Beyond Europe! We may actually need to see a photo of your camel ride. And as for those $2000 vases.... did you buy one? :-)

Posted by
5623 posts

Christine, Barbara N and Lynn, you're all "in"!

Diane, we have Mert Taner for Best of Istanbul, for whom I've read stellar reviews. And his wife (I believe) Mine Karahan is leading our Best of Turkey tour. I have wondered (not based in any actual knowledge) whether they'll be a team, with one taking the lead.

Posted by
5623 posts

I've sent the meeting link via private message to everyone who replied above. Please let me know if you didn't receive it.

We still have plenty of room for anyone who would like to hear about the adventures of our recent travelers, and share your own upcoming trips and plans!

Posted by
330 posts

Just finished the RS 21 day BOE (whew! whirlwind!) and am off to Zermatt tomorrow hoping to catch a glimpse of the Matterhorn.

Enjoy the meeting all and see you next month.

Posted by
5623 posts

mln, I can't wait to hear about your tour and I hope you get that view! We'll see you next month.

Posted by
94 posts

I'll have to miss the next meeting, but I'm really looking forward to hearing about your travels to Turkey (and Portugal)! Have a wonderful trip, CW!!

Posted by
5623 posts

Thanks, bugslife, hope to see you at the next meeting!

Posted by
5623 posts

There is still plenty of room for anyone (anyone, anywhere) to join! Please RSVP on this thread and join us to hear from our spring travelers and those planning trips for the summer and fall.

I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has used City Mapper, especially in comparison to Google Maps.

Posted by
34393 posts

I think that would be a good topic too, CWsocial

Posted by
1558 posts

We're back and plan to attend if there's still space

Posted by
5006 posts

I rely exclusively on Google Maps so far, so would be interested in hearing more about City Mapper. I remember thinking TripIt would not be useful for me and now have a different opinion. :)

Posted by
5623 posts

Carol, I've just sent you the link. Glad you can make it!

TravelMom, I've always used Google Maps, as well. CityMapper only covers some cities: I will be trying it out in Istanbul.

Posted by
34393 posts

CWsocial, is the train going to be on time today, or will the staff be on the platform early?

Posted by
5623 posts

Good morning, Nigel! We shall have staff on the platform 13 or 16 minutes early today. It would have been fifteen, but my "r" and four and five keys aren't working this morning, and I can only Ctrl-V one key at a time. So 13 or 16 it shall be!

And anyone can always log in early themselves to test their setup, they may just be alone on the platform.

Posted by
5006 posts

I enjoyed the meeting and loved hearing everyone’s stories! Thanks as always to our organizers! :)

Posted by
2896 posts

There were about a dozen of us on this morning's coach but it seemed like more because so many good stories were shared. Looking forward to more reports next time!

Posted by
1558 posts

This was another great meeting! Lots of interesting stories on a variety of topics, both trips completed and those planned. Thanks as always to Avi and Catherine for keeping things going.

Posted by
5623 posts

It feels like travel season is gearing up with our group. Whether it's domestic or international, we've got a lot of people enjoying a lot of places! YAY!!

Posted by
34393 posts

wonderful last night. Thanks to all the fellow travellers and to the driver and conductor.

I eventually had to leave to get ready for this morning's drive to Stratford-upon-Avon and into the Cotswolds to visit the graves of my parents, grandparents and aunt and uncle near Cheltenham....

happy travels all...