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Tulsa Area Travel Group Meeting, March 18, 2023

It's beginning to look a lot like spring here in God's country, although anyone who has spent any time in Oklahoma knows we're probably still due one snowstorm and one hard freeze, so don't plant those tomatoes yet, folks!

Instead, come enjoy a couple of hours of fun with our group of happy travelers!

Our next Tulsa Area Rick Steves Travel Group Meeting will be Saturday, March 18. As usual, we'll gather at Panera Bread at 41st and Hudson in Tulsa (that's 5601 E. 41st, between Yale and Sheridan), at 10:00 a.m.

It should be a great meeting; several of our folks are back from recent trips. Stan and I have returned from London and Amsterdam, while Diane is back from ... wait for it ... Egypt! I for one cannot wait to hear her stories; she always has something interesting and entertaining to share. And maybe... just maybe... Kim will bring her Christmas Market scrapbook again, since Diane has missed the last two meetings.

A few folks who have not been able to come lately made it last month, so those of us who missed it are hoping they'll be back as well. And that still leaves room for you!

Our meetings are all about sharing our experiences and learning from others. We love hearing each other's stories, asking questions, and offering our own hints and tips. As always, all travel related topics are open for discussion, and all comers are welcome. It's an open forum - come join in the fun.

If you love to travel, or would like to travel, or are curious about travel, come join us. Anyone is welcome; you don't have to have been on a Rick Steves tour, or any tour at all. You'll recognize us by the RS books on the table, and the big smiles on our faces.

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130 posts

I’m planning to come. Looking forward to seeing everybody!

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6391 posts

Wow, what a treat! Janet, it'll be great to see you again. Is David coming?

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130 posts

Thank you! Yes, we’re both coming. We decided it was time for a trip to Tulsa! :-)

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6391 posts

Great turnout! It was good to see Janet and David again, and they seemed to have a good time, as well.

Unfortunately, the restaurant was so crowded we were all strung out along one wall; we ended up splitting into two groups, not on purpose, but it was the only way to talk. I know I missed out on some great tales at the other end, though.

Next meeting, April 15; I'll post it in early April.