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Tulsa Area Travel Group Meeting March 18

It's March! February is gone for another year! And we're still counting down the days (112) until our next European trip.

Our next travel group meeting will be Saturday, March 18. We're meeting at Panera Bread at 41st and Hudson (that's 5601 E. 41st, between Yale and Sheridan) at 10:00 a.m.

Kim is back, and she says she might actually have her Low Countries scrapbook to show us. And we're hoping Bill comes again and brings his delightful wife Chris. We definitely enjoyed getting to know her last month. We're still hoping new travel friends Anne and Liz will remember to check the Forum (Anne, we bookmarked it!), and come fill us in on their adventures.
Stan and I will be there as well, ready to welcome all comers.

If you love to travel, or would like to travel, or are curious about travel, come join us. Anyone is welcome; you don't have to have been on a Rick Steves tour, or any tour at all. You'll recognize us by the RS books on the table, and the big smiles on our faces. See you there?

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1026 posts

Yes ma'am.... I finished up my scrapbook today. Still have a some tweaking to do. Getting my journaling done on the last two days or so (this is not a online one. I am not computer savvy to do those scrapbook contest!).

C'mon my friends, its time to come to our travel group meeting. It will be fun. Lots of dreaming and talking about our futures trips, packing tips, planning and anything else.


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6688 posts

We're just a week away from our March meeting, and the weather has turned cold and dreary. What a great time to be talking and thinking about Spain, Italy, or any other warm and sunny climes. Interested? Come join us next Saturday. Kim and her DH are planning a trip to Spain; my guy and I are ready for Italy, and Bill and Chris have a cruise in mind. Come share ideas and travel dreams.

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6688 posts


The weather is supposed to back up in the sunny 70's - maybe even higher - this weekend, so come on out and join us. We always have a great time, whatever the weather. Remember the NCAA is in town, so prepare for more traffic in mid-town.

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6688 posts

Okay, I had an email from Kim today. She has her scrapbook, and her tour reunion agenda. Come see what she has to show us Saturday morning at Panera Bread 5601 E 41st in Tulsa, at 10:00.

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6688 posts

Kim brought her Best of Belgium and Holland tour scrapbook to show us today, and it is amazing! It starts with the tour invoice, and ends with the plane tickets home. There was a very touching section showing her visiting the house in Den Haag in which her grandparents lived 50+ years ago, with pictures of Kim now, juxtaposed with photos of Kim with her Dad and Sister in the exact same places back in the day. Beautiful, and very moving.

Our next meeting will be April 15. See you then?

edit: I wonder if she's made a scrapbook from her Ireland tour? Kim?

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1026 posts

Ah!!! Thanks so much Jane! I appreciate it and yes.... I did my 14+ day Best of Ireland tour/trip, but it is two photo albums. LOL

I am not a computer guru, so I don't know how to do scrapbooks online. I like to save my city maps, receipts, and leftover coins, etc to incorporate in my books.