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Tulsa Area Travel Group Meeting March 16

Well, March has indeed roared in like a lion; it was in the single digits here yesterday! Fahrenheit! But the trees are budding out, the daffodils and crocus are blooming - and I even saw a few disgruntled robins chirping about the cold wave. So spring is coming, and our travel dreams are bursting into full bloom, as well.

Our next travel group meeting will be Saturday, March 16, at Panera Bread at 41st and Hudson (that's 5601 E. 41st, between Yale and Sheridan), at 10:00 a.m.

All topics are open for discussion, and all comers are welcome. Several of us are in the midst of finalizing plans for our upcoming trips, so expect France and England to be topics of conversation. And those of us who are looking ahead to 2020 may bring up Italy and Scandinavia, as well. But it's an open forum - come join in the fun.

If you love to travel, or would like to travel, or are curious about travel, come join us. Anyone is welcome; you don't have to have been on a Rick Steves tour, or any tour at all. You'll recognize us by the RS books on the table, and the big smiles on our faces.

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6637 posts

I just heard from Patsy and Dale on Facebook; they think they can make it to the meeting. Good; they travel a lot in the States, and are great sources of information.

My DH and I used to travel in the States every year, but we camped out in a tent and cooked all our meals. So no tips about hotels, restaurants, or even RVs. We had National Park passes, as a gift from a wealthier relative, until we graduated to the senior pass back when they were $10 for a lifetime pass. Ahhhh, I miss those days. Not that I'm ready to give up Europe. Not yet, anyway.

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6637 posts

I'm just bumping us up, since our meeting is this Saturday. We've heard from several people who are coming, including one we haven't seen for months, who is definitely coming, and two more whom we likewise haven't seen for months, who might make it.

Those of us with trips planned are bursting with excitement, and we're eager to see old friends again, so it should be a great meeting. Anyone in NE Oklahoma, SE Kansas, or eastern MO or AR, come join the fun!

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6637 posts

Just had to drop back in to rave about today's meeting. We had a great time. Jesse was there - we haven't seen her in months so we were delighted.

Kim came dressed to go: literally! She brought her packed bags, and even wore what she plans to wear on the plane. We got to paw through her bags and critique her packing and clothing choices. Several of us came away with some new ideas we plan to implement. I love that we've all been able to swap ideas back and forth. We've shared ideas on everything from initial planning to post-tour scrapbooking, with stops at every level in between.

Those of you who missed the meeting today missed a good time. But never fear, we'll be there again April 20, so you have a chance to join the fun. Watch for the announcement, usually right at the beginning of the month.