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Tulsa Area Travel Group Meeting February 18

It's February! The month for lovers, and lovers of travel. Those of us with travel plans for this coming summer are counting the days. (139, for us!) In the meantime, we'll talk, and plan, and dream, and reminisce...

Our next travel group meeting will be Saturday, February 18. We're meeting at Panera Bread at 41st and Hudson (that's 5601 E. 41st, between Yale and Sheridan) at 10:00 a.m.

Kim won't be able to make it this month, but we'll soldier on without her :-( We're hoping new travel friends Anne and Liz will be back from Scandinavia, and come fill us in on their adventures. And Kim has finally gotten in touch with some other friends who are RS alums; we'd love for them to come join us, as well. It's about time for Bill to drop back in, too.

Stan and I will be there, ready to welcome all comers.

If you love to travel, or would like to travel, or are curious about travel, come join us. Anyone is welcome; you don't have to have been on a Rick Steves tour, or any tour at all. You'll recognize us by the RS books on the table, and the big smiles on our faces. See you there?

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1026 posts

I will miss y'all. I love to come. I was at work today for our super bowl party and had two customers come in. One was visiting her girl friend who lives here in T-town. We brought up traveling and I was asking them if they like to travel. Her friend who lives here (Heather) has heard of RS, so I jumped on the opportunity to invite her to our travel group meeting. Gave her the juicy details, so hopefully she will come sometime.


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6689 posts

Thanks, Kim. I was chatting with a friend yesterday, who said he had found the way to his wife's heart was to watch Rick Steves' TV show with her. I'll invite them, but they have 3 small children and probably can't come.

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6689 posts

Bump. Since our meeting is Saturday, I thought I'd bump us up a bit. Stan and I will be there by 10:00, but we're going to have to leave about 11:30; we have another commitment at noon.

Do drop by; we always have a good time.

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153 posts

Looks we will be there. Me and the missus!

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6689 posts

Hooray! We've been wanting to meet her. See you Saturday! Hey, Kim, see what you're missing?

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1026 posts

I will miss ya. Bill hope your wife will come again. I met another traveler on Wednesday. Told her about the group. She was excited but unfortunately Saturday's are bad for her.

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6689 posts

We just got home from our February meeting. What a great time! Bill finally brought his wife, Chris, and she is a delight. We talked Belgium, Spain, Hungary, Poland, and Italy for 2 hours. (Luckily, our noon appointment had been cancelled!)

We're already looking forward to our next meeting, March 18. I told Chris to come back soon, even if Bill can't make it. We hit it off instantly.

I'll post the March meeting closer to the date; Kim, we missed you. You're going to love Chris.