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Tulsa Area Travel Group Meeting April 15

April is here! Well, almost. And travel season is drawing nearer. Although, when is it not travel season?

Our next travel group meeting will be Saturday, April 15. We're meeting at Panera Bread at 41st and Hudson (that's 5601 E. 41st, between Yale and Sheridan) at 10:00 a.m.

We don't have a set program this time, but Kim is going to see Rick's talk at OCU in Edmond OK March 31 - and she has tickets for the VIP reception! So we're expecting her to share some good information. And I'm sure we'll be talking about our upcoming tours, as well as tours previously taken. And there are always tips about packing, scheduling, and planning, planning, planning.

If you love to travel, or would like to travel, or are curious about travel, come join us. Anyone is welcome; you don't have to have been on a Rick Steves tour, or any tour at all. You'll recognize us by the RS books on the table, and the big smiles on our faces.

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1026 posts

ginger - here you go. Tell your Tulsa friend the info. Hope she can attend. Like Jane said, pm one of us.

The thread is always posted under the topic of Travel group meetings.

Can't wait for my VIP meeting tomorrow!


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6688 posts

Kim, be safe, and say "Hi!" to Rick from his fans in Northeast Oklahoma. See you the 15th.

Posted by
6688 posts

Heard from Kim again; she and her DH had a great time at RS's talk in Edmond. Come join us to get the lowdown!

Posted by
1026 posts

I am bumping this up since it is next weekend.

Come one, Come all

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6688 posts

Just heard from Bill - he and Chris can't make it, but Kim, Stan and I will be there. Come on, we know there are a lot of travel junkies out there.

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6688 posts

Bump. I know there's a lot going on tomorrow, but drop by Panera on 41st and Hudson about 10:00 or so to share a cup of coffee and some good tips and stories. See you there!

Funny story: I posted the travel group meeting on Stan's FB page, and we had some serious interest - from people who thought is was a political meeting. Uh, no.

Posted by
207 posts

I would love to join your travel group. Sorry I couldn't make this months meeting. I also went and saw Rick talk at OCU, he was great.

Posted by
1026 posts

OMG Jesse - Wish I had own that!! My son graduated from OC in 2014. We saw him in 2012 and husband and I went again this year. I even sprung for the VIP session.

It would be great to meet up with you.


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6688 posts

Hi, Jesse; welcome aboard! Our next meeting is scheduled for May 20. Kim and I will be there, but my DH has a previous commitment. Bill from Broken Arrow and his wife Chris are also members of our merry band, but Bill often has to work on Saturday.

We always have a great time - today we ended up staying about 30 minutes later than we had planned, just because we were enjoying talking to each other.

I'll post the meeting in early May. See you there!